(Commenting on)  Presidential Debate Sparks Accusations of Dishonesty



  1. Did anyone notice during the debate when Joe Biden seems to concentrate touch his right ear then write something on his notepad which he should not have had..as though he had an earpiece! also watching a CNN anchor lose her mind and actually stated he had the questions, how could he do so badly?

    • I saw that too… twice. Wasn’t like he had an itch… was more like readjusting something in his ear.

      I posted what I saw on FB, and a few other people had noticed also

  2. Just ignore the debates. Bottom line: Are we better off as Americans NOW or were we better off when Donald Trump was President. And of course the easy answer is we were FAR BETTER OFF with Donald Trump as President. No contest!

  3. I would like to know why the moderators didn’t confront Biden on the statement he made about no military service people dying under his watch when we all know that 13 died in the Afghanistan debacle and 3 died in Jordan. He needed to be called out on that. I cannot even imagine how thos Gold Star families felt after hearing that.

  4. This article leaves a lot to be desired. All polls and comments I have read is that Trump won this debate hands down. That’s why every msm channel were having meltdowns. Biden lied repeatedly, for example stating no military personnel was lost while he’s been President, the Charlottesville lie which had been debunked even by Snopes. And why is it that when a reporter or Mary Trump or whomever on the left says Trump lied over and over, not a single example is given. I did not hear a single lie from Trump other than his usual way of speaking in exaggeration.

  5. After the debate was the first time I saw some honesty from main stream media. Because it happened in real time. I told my husband the morning after the media would say.
    ” Trump didn’t win the debate either” Trump just lied and Biden had a bad 1st debate…
    Wola like a perfect prediction the Dems and white House gave their talking points and the media reported them.
    Funny Trump is called a liar for every thing he puts spin on and every other politicians is reported to have put political spin on what they say. Hyperbole.
    When you ask anyone what are the 36 lies you get no answer. You know what everything that is opinion can now be considered a lie. I’m sick to death of this division in the media just give me the facts..
    They are now telling us our lying eyes and ears are at it again and that Biden didn’t look like a dadt old fool about to die. He didn’t look like a nursing home resident that was taken out by family members.
    Trump lost words also but he knew in the moment he forgot a name or date and he put in an appropriate replacement. Biden never realized he forgot anything. The saddest thing I saw was Jill Biden praising him like a child. When you are a care taker it becomes hard not to treat the person like a kid. Anyone who has delt with dementia/ Alzheimer’s knows the person acts very childish in situations. Her president her GOOD BOY and his excitement for making her happy was disturbing.
    We all need to call our representative and demand they call for Bidens immediate removal! I’m not worried about him running for president I’m worried because he is president currently. Even if he is a figure head he talks to other leaders!!!

  6. I don’t like this format DML, when you show other people’s comments you either have to get out glasses or zoom out and then back and forth to read it all. It didn’t use to be like this.

    • The tweets are screenshots versus embeds. The embeds were not working. It’s not a “new format” — it was a one time thing.


  8. Well, I’m certainly for Trump as a Christian; however Trump didn’t answer most of the questions and used the platform as a Trump campaign add.
    Actually Biden did better than expected with statistics and such; however I did see him look down and look as it he was shuffling note cards.
    Personally, I believe we all would have better off for all concerned to have skipped the whole thing.
    I don’t believe either shined or changed anyone’s mind for their vote but causes more confusion.

  9. I don’t believe any of us is better off or more informed after the Debate.
    Biden kept shuffling cards and Trump didn’t answer question he just used it as a campaign stop.
    Personally a waste of time and no votes were won on either side.

  10. It’s a sad state of affairs! Our Country is an embarrassment. We are the laughing stock to the entire World. Dumb Americans. You can bet they will steal the election again with the help of Xi, Putin and others. They don’t want Trump in.

  11. Biden was pathetic and appeared so weak and fragile. And he lied so much. Trump did not answer the questions that were imo about liberal causes. Maybe he should have given a one line answer and then continue with what he felt he had to say about Biden’s lies and incompetence. .
    Jill is sickening and speaks for her husband all the time. Right there, you know he is not well. As a PHD in education it was appalling to see her baiting the audience with propaganda. This is what they are doing in the schools indoctrining lies about Trump. Very disturbing.

  12. Did not watch the propaganda box that typically does nothing more than promote bull💩. DT needs to provide facts, call out the bull💩 from the liars. Evidently lying 🤥 is the new “normal” in America and our political system has become a corrupt machine that’s now the largest in the world, we have become a classless society that the masses all accept. Junky dumb people, sad but true. You cannot argue or reason with ignorance.


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