(Commenting on)  POWERFUL MESSAGE: Trump posts must-read excerpts from RNC speech



  1. I loved every minute of President Trump’s speech. The Demoncrats are mad because God chose to save our president DJT. All things are possible with God. When God is on your side there is no losing, only victory. We shall overcome the hattred of the left.

  2. The only night I stayed fully awake. He was amazing.

    I don’t forsee the demonrats working with him though. Victory will be ours.

  3. Why was the democrats worried that the speech was too long. Why would that concern them. Were they paying attention or were they just trying to find something they could bitch about. They need to be worried just who they will have to run in the next election. That should be their biggest concern.

  4. “I am running to be president for ALL of America, not half of America, because there is no victory in winning for half of America”.
    That is the best message

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