And the LibTards want to limit how we get our needed electricity! Go figure!
We could have made the necessary improvements if we weren’t laundering money through Ukraine,supporting illegal cockroaches and giving money to every third world country.Thank God the days of America last are coming to an end.
Will coal generated electricity make a comeback?
Get all the millions of illegals out of our country and we will be fine with electricity.
Unfortunately Data Storage farms are needing more electricity than we can produce at this time. ILLEGALS usage is a drop in the bucket. But I agree, they gotta go!
And the LibTards want to limit how we get our needed electricity! Go figure!
We could have made the necessary improvements if we weren’t laundering money through Ukraine,supporting illegal cockroaches and giving money to every third world country.Thank God the days of America last are coming to an end.
Will coal generated electricity make a comeback?
Get all the millions of illegals out of our country and we will be fine with electricity.
Unfortunately Data Storage farms are needing more electricity than we can produce at this time. ILLEGALS usage is a drop in the bucket. But I agree, they gotta go!