(Commenting on)  POOR MESSAGING: Pope makes plea to Catholic Americans to choose the “lesser evil” in presidential election



  1. I have to wonder how many Catholics this pope has driven away. The migrants to whom he’s referring have broken US law, thus are sinners. He seems to have forgotten that part.

  2. The pipe is out of touch with reality you always chose good over evil Harris represents evil.Trump represents good. The choice is clear Harris will completely destroy our country trump will save our country I choose trump over evil Harris it’s a simple choice.

  3. Well, the Pope is human. I believe the “to reject immigrants” as being a sin was an incorrect comment. No one is rejecting immigrants. They are rejecting illegal immigrants AND the process or lack of process of letting immigrants into the country. Seriously Pope, do YOU just let anyone that comes to the door in or do you check and make sure you know who they are and why they are there? My doors are always closed and locked to keep unknown people out.
    EVERY Christian, Jewish and any other God fearing person should never vote for Harris.

  4. Pope, stay the hell out of America’s political elections and America’s business. You have nothing to do with it. These people being flown here or bussed there are illegal freeloaders who broke the law and appears you support law breakers but not for Italy. You hide behind your massive wall in the Vatican and send smoke signals. I used to be Catholic, pope. But now I am no longer donating to the collection basket. The Catholic church is money hungry just like democrats. I can study the Bible on my own and pray to God directly. I don’t need your word salads nor do you need my donations. Are you following kamala’s lead.

  5. Pope Francis, legal immigration is okay, letting millions of whomever they may be and not being vetted is wrong. Too many Americans have been killed or raped and both. This is not okay with most American citizens.


  7. Let 15,000,000 into Vatican City without any vetting, then preach to us. Who would have ever believed that a Pope would ever believe that KILLING Babies was less evil than not letting people into a Country ILLEGALLY? The Anti-Christ strikes again🤬

  8. I am extremely disappointed that this pope did not pick abortion as the top answer. The Catholic faith has one commandment that says, Thou shall not kill!
    He doesn’t take a stand so he doesn’t stand for anything.

    • Ziltch! Zero! Nada!
      How about we send a few plane loads of Catholic imagrants to Vatican City? They are a sancuarty city are they not? Or is it a “not in my back yard” attitude.

      And by the way Mr. Pope, you are not the holy father, you are no more than just a man. A sinner in need of Christ’s redemption. Just like I am, no more, no less. Jesus is the only name uder heaven by which “WE MUST BE SAVED!” Seek Him daily, and you will find Him.
      That’s a promise. Look it up, its in the Bible which is the word of God Almighty.

  9. I wonder if Pope had realized the amount of criminals entering the US that are also killing, raping and stealing. Is that’s OK? I think he should not interfere. Trump is against of unlawful emigration and I think that’s what any country leader in this world will do. Nothing wrong with that, the choice is clear!
    Trump/Vance 2024🙏🏼❤️🇺🇸

  10. Deporting is getting rid of the “evil” in our country. He’s not executing them (although some deserve it). Send all the illegals to Italy and see what happens. He likes them so much.

    The Pope is a nut!

  11. Murdering innocent babies is much more EVIL than illegal immigration, so I guess he wants us to vote for Trump.

  12. Pope, get Trump’s message straight…deport those who are hear illegally by the hands of the left in charge. And these crossovers are not beneficial to America. They are the criminals and lowlife of other countries. You are part of the problem with your radical ideology and you have proven this over your years as Pope.

  13. 😇 I am a devout Catholic & my husband & I are very involved in 2 parishes. We believe this pope is part of the One World Order….. Our priests & most priests we know don’t think like him at all!! God please help us!!!🙏🏽

  14. How can enforcing the law be compared to infantiside? Where is his holiness’ heart? People are dying BECAUSE of illegal immigration! Come on!

  15. I don’t see the pope opening up the Vatican for illegals to occupy the spaces. Soo is he also a sinner on that? Pope you shouldn’t be judging peoples actions. You aren’t a political activist in america

  16. Let’s see: killing innocent unborn babies is a sin. Agreed.
    Making illegal aliens return to thier homeland is a sin? I don’t agree.
    How any rational person could compare the two is beyond me.
    Go back to your walled in city with all its strict rules where you can be a god to the stupid people mr pope. You have no say so here.

  17. I don’t take my advice from a new world order puppet ! Why do people call him “his holiness “ there is nothing holy about these people! Go do your research!

  18. The fake religion typically supports abortion and most vote for the devil DEMONcrates and that’s a fact and this clown is the lead devil libTARD himself. Disgusting 🤮. Several of these hypocrites are in my own family, phonies at best.

  19. I’ve heard that the pope is the anti Christ. Thankfully born and raised a Protestant. I pray and confess to God and never to merely a man. I know there are good Catholics and different sects. I mean no disrespect to those who love the Lord. But imo there is too much dogma in in Catholicism. And we don’t hate Mary. We just don’t pray to her or saints.

  20. Tell this scumbag pope to step off the high and mighty attitude when he and his cohorts are pederasts and punters. He loves illegal aliens because the catholic church sucks so bad that only stupid illegal aliens help that institution survive.

  21. How does what this man and yes he is just a man have a right to say anything about the US election. I fir one care nothing about him.

  22. Being catholic, i’ve never thought of him as a pope at all, and i think he should worry about his pedo priests and stay out of politics all together. And yes i also agree he’s part of the New world agenda.

  23. He’s an Apostate. He says things that are in complete contradiction to the Bible, the Word of God.

    Saying we all believe in the same God is totally FALSE. Step down.

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