(Commenting on)  POLLING: Uh-Oh for Kamala?



  1. All those women voting for Kamala will just have their vote cancelled by their boyfriends and husbands that will be voting for Trump. 👍

  2. Whether I am WHITE OR BLACK, I’m not saying, MY VOTE IS FOR TRUMP!!
    Race has NO PLACE WITHIN THIS ISSUE, Kamala’s record thru the years speaks for itself! VOTE RED MAGA!

  3. I’m 100% behind Trump!! I don’t give a rats 🐀 ass about Hollyweird. Oh and I’m white female and conservative. I live in California and I can’t stand Kamala. I am one of thousands upon thousands.

  4. This white American woman and my sisters and daughters are all voting Trump. why? Cause we r not stupid!

  5. That’s the problem. Ignoring the policies and voting strictly on gender and race! Much like she got VP in the first place! This is insane

  6. People who voted for Obama because he’s black- MORONS
    People who voted for Hilary because she’s a woman-MORONS
    People who vote for Kamala because she’s a woman and POC – ABSOLUTELY STUPID MORONS

  7. Being a black woman doesn’t make her qualified for the job. She dropped out last time with less than 2% of the vote, the dems are to stupid to see their party doesn’t give a shit who you voted for. Keep drinking the kool-aid.

  8. I would like to ask any one of these women if they even have a clue as to what Harris’ policies are all about. I want to live in a safe, free country with closed borders, be able to afford gas and groceries and not have to worry about the Biden-Harris administration starting WWWIII.. Trump did not sell off our oil reserves to make money…we were energy independent..not so now. Harris is a complete train wreck and I wish these women would watch a news program that would tell the truth about Harris and what her horrendous plan is for our country. God help us!

  9. There has always been celebrities pushing for a candidate however under Obama it became a partnership.
    Can’t get the voters out to see a candidate? Being in a celebrity for an appearance for a crowed… Appearance is everything.
    However these celebrities are not living in the real world. They aren’t struggling for groceries and bills, they probably don’t ever see a bill or pay at the pump. The people who they hirer do all that.. so let’s not pretend the vote effects them ( Yet).

  10. This whole Kamala thing is about women’s reproductive rights, BS.
    No one cares about your body, only about aborting babies after a certain time span. Plenty of states you can have abortions, but once it is basically a baby it is no longer JUST your body, it is now a shared body. If these women want to ( I’ll be nice) screw around then take a PILL, just Don’t let it become a baby, what is so hard. Now I will admit 6 weeks is too soon to know, I was 2 months pregnant before I realized I was, well until my mom looked at me and asked if I was, I didn’t know, my daughter is grown and beautiful. These Liberal women want to wait until the last minute to abort, 7,8, 9 months, or even after birth, sorry but that is Murder. What is next with these demented bitches, If you can kill a just born baby, what next 6 months old, 1year, 2 year, what’s the difference? Is that what these liberals are after, being able to kill a child no matter what age? I know there is a religion out there allows you to kill your children if you don’t approve of something, is that next? This country needs saving, I’m just not sure if that’s possible anymore.

    • Excellent post Annie. You are so right. I am firmly PRO-LIFE. If these pigs want an abortion, then they will just have to find a state that does it, or else keep their knees together. They seem to think abortion is birth control. There are plenty of birth control options out there, but they need to pay for it, not the taxpayer. They won’t be answering to God, they will be in steaming hot fire with satan already and that is for eternity. They won’t even make it to God’s house.

  11. I pray people have enough sense not to vote for the sleeper upper. America is over if we. get another dem in.

  12. We can’t have another Democrat in the WH. That will destroyed America. Wake up people, Trump is our only and last hope, just open your eyes! Trump 2024, we need a Republican sunami if we want to get our country back🙏🏼❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  13. Sixteen photos of women who would just love to kill their babies all because they want to. FKH. Karma will eventually show it’s ugly face at the most inopportune moment for the seahag kommunist kackling terrorist kamala.

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