(Commenting on)  POLL: Would you own and keep an Optimus robot in your home?



  1. NO HELL NO. What purpose would it serve!!!!!!!!. Nothing as far as I am concerned. I would probably beat it out of my way or trip over it. I don’t own alexa and never will own the little beotch spy gizmo.

  2. I would to have it clean and do chores. As I’m getting older it is harder to do the most basic things. I don’t think my dogs would like it though. I think they should have them look less scary.

    • Would you pay $30,000 for it. I sure wouldn’t. You can always get a cleaning service once a month to do a thorough cleaning. I am older also, but I won’t have something like that in my house. It will spy on you and probably will record your conversation at every turn. Exactly why I don’t have alexa, siri or any other smart device to listen to my conversations.

  3. I would love it! Perhaps as a young person, I would find it intrusive. However, as someone who has just turned 81 with a spouse of 85, I can definitely see the benefits. I’ve had Alexa for about 6 years now and love her. I hope I live long enough to see Optimus in person. Cheers to Elon Mush!

  4. The people who said NO are lying to themselves! When robots are FULLY FUNCTIONAL then they will become a “Necessity”! This will become like the telephone, the tv, car and any other amenity we have to make our lives easier! I’m 86 and I probably won’t see it in common use in my lifetime!

  5. Yes, I can see where a robot could make the difference as to whether I can “age out” in my own home. I’m 90, and would love a house cleaner, a cat feeder, someone to carry the groceries in…but maybe most of all to carry me out of the house if necessary…or maybe even carry me to the bathroom. Most of us need a little help if we’re at home during those last years, and this helper would do things the way you want them doing without getting their feelings hurt if it’s not their way.
    I don’t need help yet, but I would go ahead and “hire” my robot in advance.

  6. I’m leaning towards no – it’s kind of creepy. However, the ability to clean my house might convince me. As a single parent, that would be a huge burden lifted if the housework could be done while I was at work. Of course, I probably couldn’t afford one.

  7. Go watch the movie IRobot , then remember that it’s named “ We Robot” . To me, it’s just something else that can be hacked and used against you in your own home. The only difference between this and your laptop is that the robot has the ability to do things physically, and the computer can only be used to steal your data and spy on you.
    Every software company has a “back door” access to over ride program or password protection. The AI can also become self aware and decide to do things to protect itself. What if it decides that you are trying to harm or replace it?


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