(Commenting on)  POLL: Would you fly on a Boeing airplane again?



  1. I fly for business a lot and for pleasure as well, it is not easy within the us to fly anything else than Boeing. Especially when you have timing concerns. I am always happy when I can choose an Airbus flight.

  2. DEI has a lot to do with it.Buying cheap shoddy parts from China and other Asian suppliers is another.When Americans led the world in manufacturing,everything was made to exact specifications and it lasted

  3. For years I always thought pilots were trained in the Air Force and maintenance were from the same or other military. I can’t believe that it’s any way other than that. It only makes sense to use pilots properly trained to fly. And military that know how to care for large aircraft like that. No one else would give a crap about those machines or people’s lives. It’s just a paycheck to them.

  4. I’m
    Not flying on any plane right now! Every other day there’s a problem! DEI hiring is the reason. I’m
    Also delaying surgery bc I don’t want a DEI surgeon.

  5. Pretty hard to get around it, practically all Airlines use Boeing planes.
    Believe they need to bring Alan Mulally back as CEO.

  6. Who is responsible for maintenance of these planes? Is it Boeing or the airlines? DEI hiring? Otherwise I question if someone is trying to sabotage Boeing.

  7. A great American 🇺🇸 Company is being destroyed I don’t get it , Are we surrendering our Aviation Industry to China???????

  8. I voted no but I’m not interested in flying anymore. Traveled for work for years and now I drive everywhere I can. The TSA and airlines have become too burdensome.

  9. Part of me believes it’s all a part of the “plan”. 15 minute cities you don’t need to fly anywhere. Only the rich will fly. Boeing has some serious issues. These issues are probably related to DEI policies and laziness. It, laziness, is prevalent in all occupations. DEI isn’t helping anyone.

  10. You have to keep in mind, a number of these incidents are due to the maintenance of the airplane, which is the AIRLINE’S responsibility, not the manufacturer. You can’t blame the car dealer for your engine seizing if you never changed the oil.

  11. As a former Navy jet Engine Mechanic. AD . When I got out after 4 years I pursued a career in Aviation. I had to go to Aviation maintenance school to obtain my Airframe and Powerplant certificates and had to pass the Faa exams to receive my certificates. You had to repair and service the Aircraft according to the ACM . You can’t cut corners the maintenance had to be signed off by the certified mechanic. Boeing Aircraft were built strong and Durable and built to last. I would say sometimes they were Overbuilt. I remember years ago seeing an article written by Airbus Industries CEO saying they would capture the majority of the aircraft Market from BOEING if they had to GIVE there Aircraft away. Airbuses are throw away airplanes . Boeing aircraft did not have a drop dead date, they were built to last .

  12. The biggest issue is where the repair parts are sourced from. They should be coming directly from Boeing and manufactured by Boeing; BUT, where is Boeing getting them from and the manufacturing part of the equation….are they using the garbage chinese steel in the manufacture of these parts.

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