Hell no, I won’t miss Biden. His last actions in office are those of a petulant child determined to throw a tantrum against the voters who had the temerity to take away his toy of the Presidency. Joe didn’t earn the office and always treated it as if he had been elected King instead of president. Hell, he spent 40% of his time on vacation while in office which, considering his ignorance and incompetence, was probably a good thing for the American people.
Joe Biden was responsible for all the deaths ,overdosing, murders in this country because he let these illegal bastards in our country. NoI will not miss the asshole.
Hey joe, don’t let the door hit you in the ass, it might release what is in your diaper. I hope you end up with lawsuits up your ass for treason, money laundering, colluding with foreign entities, blood on your hands for 13 dead American Patriots, as well as people murdered by illegal freeloaders and putting the sovereignty of America in jeopardy. You are a lowlife POS dirtbag along with your entire family of grifters. You will not be remembered for ANYTHING significant; in fact, you won’t be remembered at all. Take a hike you brain dead meat suit.
He was never elected. Only a resident, by fraud placed in power. All of his EO or pardons mean nothing! Is he even alive anymore??? I have seen 3 different Biden’s, so who is who???
WTF, why are you wasting we the peoples time with ignorant questions like this.
Not just NO but HELL NO. January 20th. Ant come soon enough!
It’s hard to miss something that never happened. We all know Biden never ran the country. I won’t miss his people destroying everything we hold dear
F no is my answer. Good riddens. Goodbye. Go to jail. Don’t pass go.
HELL NO!!!!!!!
They can’t be gone soon enough!
What a stupid ??? Heck no
Hell no, I won’t miss Biden. His last actions in office are those of a petulant child determined to throw a tantrum against the voters who had the temerity to take away his toy of the Presidency. Joe didn’t earn the office and always treated it as if he had been elected King instead of president. Hell, he spent 40% of his time on vacation while in office which, considering his ignorance and incompetence, was probably a good thing for the American people.
I guess Jill & Hunter Biden and a few admins are on here as there are 0.56% of people voting yes!
He should have been gone 4 years ago! Cannot wait till it is over. What a waste of life!
HELL the EFF NO!!!!
Joe Biden was responsible for all the deaths ,overdosing, murders in this country because he let these illegal bastards in our country. NoI will not miss the asshole.
Hey joe, don’t let the door hit you in the ass, it might release what is in your diaper. I hope you end up with lawsuits up your ass for treason, money laundering, colluding with foreign entities, blood on your hands for 13 dead American Patriots, as well as people murdered by illegal freeloaders and putting the sovereignty of America in jeopardy. You are a lowlife POS dirtbag along with your entire family of grifters. You will not be remembered for ANYTHING significant; in fact, you won’t be remembered at all. Take a hike you brain dead meat suit.
He was never elected. Only a resident, by fraud placed in power. All of his EO or pardons mean nothing! Is he even alive anymore??? I have seen 3 different Biden’s, so who is who???