(Commenting on)  POLL: Will you be watching Biden’s farewell speech?



  1. I’m just wondering how many boxes of classified documents are the bidens plan on packing up and taking home with him or to some other place under his name maybe paid for by some foreign country.

  2. I’m sick of his constant lying and his ineptness. An emphatic . NO!! My speech….good riddance!!!!!
    I hope he is charged with crimes against humanity.

  3. It is wonderful to know that the treasonous poll cat will be tottering off. I will not tune in. Just grateful his 4 years are over.

  4. 4 years of putting up with this corrupt piece of shit is more than enough for me… He has damaged our country beyond belief… I despise this man and his fucking lunatic party that foisted this incompetent loser on us… So no way I’m watching..

  5. All I want to see is this rat bastard tumble forward after attempting to descend the stairs of AirForce 1 for the last time. Four years of this tyrannical traitorous POS bastard is enough. May he have a miserable rest of his days on earth. I won’t have to look at that ugly face again.

  6. A speech? He will mumble pause nap then talk about experiences of sniffing new heads the best ice cream cone and who pooped my pants. Kahahamallow will be in the background with a long puss on cos Jill is throwing eye darts at her. No I don’t want to watch repeats.

  7. NOOOOO!!! Can’t stand the sight of him or sound of him spouting lies and untruths! Every time his lips are moving, he is lying! Good riddance joe! The worst and most inept and dishonest president of the United States!

  8. Really….he’s giving a farewell speech??? Pretty sure it will be lots of accomplishments that he did to destroy our “Republic “!!! Can’t stand all the lies that he has imposed on all of us…far and wide!!! Hope he rots in hell!!! He definitely does not deserve a statue or a library…maybe a toilet that he can sit on in front of his home!!!


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