(Commenting on)  POLL: Will you be voting early or on Election Day?



  1. I agree with sue.
    Sadly at this point the lines are drawn. It’s new voters ( legal ones) who are going to make the difference and debates should be heard first. I’m a vote in election day type person. It would be like celebrating Christmas in a different day. It’s not the same

  2. I am a firm Trump supporter so I will vote early, like the Republican Party is asking you to do. But, I believe in voting on Election Day with paper ballots if that is ever passed! Make it a national holiday!

  3. Should be paper ballots on Election Day only. However they are going to try anything and everything they can to stop this election

  4. I will be voting early for Trump. I cant believe that people wont vote. I bet they are the ones that complain the most .

  5. I do NOT trust in voting early. They could conceivably lose my ballot or do something to change it, whatever! I will go day of to cast my vote period!

  6. I voted election day in 2020 and I feel like my vote got robbed.
    I know some of, if not all of the machines switched votes in 2020.
    It was reported only once, that a republican county in Michigan showed biden had won, the head lady for that county had them go back and do a hand
    count. It was reported that the same number of votes that biden received with the machine was the same number Trump received with the hand counted ballots.
    I believe EVERY state should be using a paper ballot. I will be early voting this year, because no matter what any of the debates reveal I WILL BE VOTING AND I WILL NEVER VOTE FOR THE demo party!!!!
    I also shared.

  7. I live in Washington State and our ONLY option is voting by mail. There is no in
    person Election Day voting here.

  8. I know who I’m voting for No doubt in my mind! Nothing will change that
    ! Therefore, I’ll cast my vote for Trump in person , as soon as I can!

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