(Commenting on)  POLL: Will you be voting early or on Election Day?



  1. I don’t understand. Donald Trump himself told people to go out and vote early. Numerous times. And the majority still said they wanted to go on Election Day. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  2. Sarah L, me too. Plus, living in Washington state, we only have mail in voting. Sadly, that’s how it is for us/me. I will drop my ballot at the local library drop box. Waiting until November 5th and anything can happen. Bank your vote.

    • I agree, some day. But to make sure our vote counts .. we must vote early this time. Trust Trump on this. I’ve never voted early so it’s not normal for me to benefit… but I’m going to.

  3. I live in the country and would have to drive to county seat to vote early. I vote in a small rural town and know all the poll workers on both side of the aisle and still have trust in them and our process. We will vote on the day.

  4. I always vote in the first day of early voting to be sure I don’t miss my chance. I could get sick or even die before Election Day. I want my vote in the box just in case.

  5. I always vote on Election Day and have never run into any problems. If they offer early voting in Florida, I will most likely look into it because it is important to bank your vote according to Trump and others.

  6. Voting early which I never do because I don’t trust them knocking something out or something going wrong to cause us from Not casting our vote.

  7. They’re saying there’s going to be a Cyber attack November 5th, which means they’re admitting that the cheat is on. I’m voting early, with ID and registration in hand even though they say in ILLinois no ID is required.

  8. I’m requesting my mail in ballot and then taking my UNOPENED ballot with me on the day I cast my vote in person. Not taking any chances of being told I already voted when I go to vote in person. Haven’t decided if I will vote early or wait until Election Day. I have never voted early or mail in before now. I just don’t trust our elections process anymore. It seems no matter what we do there’s bound to be some shenanigans going on. Anyone who believes otherwise is just a fool.


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