(Commenting on)  POLL: Will Trump Be Sentenced to Prison? (+ Live Debate Show Update)



  1. Trump will either be sentenced to prison or assassinated by these crazy democrats. I sure hope that I’m wrong. They will stop at nothing to destroy him.

  2. I would hope not, cuz that was truly a fraud trial, but I do NOT trust the demorats!! They are liars, cheats, and will do just about anything to get what they want!! Just like 2020!

  3. I feel that the bat 💩 crazy left can’t figure out how to justify sending secret service agents to prison to guard President Trump and that’s the only reason they have to keep him out of prison. Now keeping President Trump alive is the real question until January. So many on the left claim that they are in fear for their lives if Biden looses the presidency ( Please Dear Lord let him loose ) I’m sure there are several that are planning ill will towards President Trump.

  4. Trump upset the establishment’s business as usual corruption. I am glad he didn’t fold. FJB and all you Traitorous Corrupt Phony Democrat Communist Socialist Rat 🐀 Bastards . We the people Trump 2024 🇺🇸 .

  5. Normally, for the “crime” he was convicted of, I would say no. However, Judge Merchan has it in for Trump so he will probably get sent to jail.


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