(Commenting on)  POLL: Will JD Vance’s speech sway Democrats to vote Republican?



    • Hmmmmm. I wonder too. The message was good but I felt his speech fell short of all the others I’ve heard at the RNC. It didn’t move me as others. Perhaps because I was so tired when he finally appeared to speak, that I had a difficult time staying awake and paying attention. I wanted to be more impressed! I hope and pray that he is a great VP and will be loyal to and complement our President Trump !

  1. I voted no, only because most democrats are too dumb, too stubborn and too full of themselves to switch their vote.
    I loved his speech.

  2. I have been very engaged in what is going on in policy especially since Trump’s first 4yrs. I live in Michigan and have family that rely on me to help educate them on the “right” news. I already know of a few who had already switched their vote from the left and independent to republican. So yes I feel others will switch after hearing JD Vance.

  3. No. Democrats still hate Donald Trump. They would vote for him just because JD gave a good speech. Independents? Maybe.

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