(Commenting on)  POLL: Will Biden be removed as president before the election?



  1. Yes, but at this point who cares! He destroyed this country with the help of c*ntmala now the demonrats got what they wanted… another commie puppet. He needs to be in prison with his family alongside Obama and Clinton. He should have been removed long ago. I’d argue if he stays in power he needs to be tried just like Trump for documents. Commie Joe didn’t have any power to take his, Trump did! If he can be in power he can stand trial. Period!!!!

    Crooked. Treasonous. Lier.

  2. Harris is sliding downward and looking more incompetent each day. I think that in late sept or early octovet, the democrats will think about giving Cameltoes a boost by kicking Joe out and making Kamala POTUS. This makes cheating even easier.

  3. We voted NO! Why would they..then Camel-la might have to answer questions. He never should have occupied the Oval Office. He was installed 🤬 Now the “defenders” of Democracy have had their Soft COUP and are trying to hide Komrad Komula’s true nature from the electorate.
    🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

  4. Depending on if Kamala actually goes through with the debate with Trump. If she gets her backside handed to her like Biden did then they will oust Biden again so she will be the first female president and then enter us into WWIII as to avoid an election.

  5. He’s getting slower and slower every time he’s out in public. Thats why they’re always hiding him and don’t allow him to take any questions. The more he stays away from public, the more he’s declined. It was very obvious since 2020.

    He should had never been “president”.

  6. He should be because he is so obviously incompetent and demented. But does it matter? He’s merely a puppet anyway. He’s definitely not running the country. If he is removed before the end of term, the democrats would be admitting guilt of covering up his dementia and decline. Thats why my answer was “no”. We are in big trouble either way. If he is removed, Kum-allah becomes president and has an easier path to 24 with cheating of course! November can’t come soon enough! God, please intervene and give us Donald Trump for president 🙏🏻🇺🇸🙏🏻2024

  7. Seriously this devil will cruse through the rest of his commie term, DJT is their sole corrupt focus. Commie liars.

  8. The black man is there only to lead him away from the desk in the right direction. What a filthy lying scumbag. FFS he can barely exist and is in slow-mo. I think we will see jill leaving him soon. She wanted nothing but fame and money, she didn’t give a rat’s ass about him.

  9. Why kick him out?? He’s just been holding the title while Obama and friends ruin the country. As far as I’m concerned we don’t have a president.

  10. Not really sure but one viewpoint I heard is tossing him and installing her before the election so she’s in under the wire …. I thought it was an interesting take . Looking forward to DMLs opinion

  11. He shouldn’t be, but I think they will do everything they can to remove him so Kamala can be seated before the election. Just enough time to steal the election with executive orders.

    • Sadly, you and I agree. I think they will do it and lock down the country again in order to steal the election. Praying for God to help us!

  12. Nope I originally thought Biden would be removed to allow Kamala to look presidental. However letting him stay in vacation and out of the public eye is the name of the game. Should he be removed. ABSOLUTLY! Biden is a danger to our country. The murder of an American prisoner by Hamas was a FU to the administration. The murder of the hostages was a loud message to the United States. We ( Hamas/Iran) do not fear you. That is because of who is in the white house

  13. I believe that is their plan. Remove Joe and KH will be too busy to debate. And fools across this country will make him a hero/martyr and praise the idiot woman as savior.

  14. Well if the question was “should” he be removed, we would have a 100% yes. But he won’t be, I think congress has become lazy, so I voted unsure.

  15. I voted “unsure”. Installing Kommie-la as prez would give her a boost but it would put her in the spotlight but corruption doesn’t like exposure and light. She’d have to answer direct questions.

    The foul people running this country may want to keep Crooked Joe in so they can get as much damage done as possible, including EO bombs to try and blow up anything Trump might do. I don’t think having Heels-Up Harris could order more cheating than the ones in power.

    Overall I suspect Biden will be kept in place, although it’s a tough call. Hard to imagine the working of the minds behind all this.

  16. They’re already cheating, so my thought is they’ll put him before the election and put Commie-la in without an election.

  17. What the hell. Is joe sitting at a kiddy play desk. It couldn’t get any smaller. Will they wheel him off in a little red wagon or his play kobuta tractor with the big wheels.

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