(Commenting on)  POLL: Who will better defend Israel as president?



  1. Komrad Camel-la says she will defend Israel now, but she says her “VALUES” have not changed. This means that she will NOT defend Israel. She is sympathetic to HAMAS as she has stated in the past two weeks.

  2. There is no question Trump will. Trump will also give other allies backing to support Israel.
    Like the UK that has now backed down.
    The media and Dems have made Israel the bad guys in this situation. When the US went after ISIS and Sodem Hussian, Afghanistan ,there was many civilians killed. Yet it was war and sadly that’s what happens. Israel defends itself and goes after a terrorist group and the allies turn on them? What the hell is going on!
    Where is that outrage for the innocent Russians killed by Ukraine? Is it different? No it’s war!

  3. No question here.
    Trump! Trump! Trump!

    C*ntmala can’t find her right hand from her left hand. She needs to be deported somewhere too. She is a total disgrace. A commie.

  4. Trump will defend Israel! He has a brain and uses it, where as Harris is a brainless puppet for Obama. Obama hates America wants to destroy it using the brainless puppets to do his dirty work.

  5. But this is like waiting for Roosevelt to let us enter WWIi. he knew Jews were dying but he apparently felt no urgency. Now here we are with the Democrats again not worrying about the plight of the Jews.

    • For a time, Roosevelt would not allow Jews to come to the US for asylum. Mark Levin has mentioned this a number of times. They came, he sent them back to be put into concentration camps.

      Dems have always been bigoted race haters.

  6. Kamala doesn’t have any experience dealing with anything. All she does is turn her back , walk away, then flip flop when she’s cornered. Or blame Trump. We need Trump in office. When he wins, will they let him be the President again?

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