(Commenting on)  POLL: Should the U.S. go to war with Iran?



  1. I never want to go to war with any country but military actions may be the only option to prevent some of these rogue countries from becoming a bigger threat. Economic sanctions and firm support from the international community are my choice but other options are not off the table.

  2. I said yes. Why? Muslims are killing Christians and Jews. Iran is the Hitler #2 . We must stop them before killing any more people. Could be another 6 millions Christians and Jews death. Get rid of ISIS, HAMAS and Houthl.

    • Rhonda, I’m with you 💯!! But in addition to Iran and the Middle East, we need to be very concerned about the growing threat of the radicle Muslim communities right here in the US!! Neighborhoods and entire towns being built tight in Dallas Texas for example! Each state should make laws forbidding sharia law!! Islam Is not a peaceful religion!! Their “prophet” and their “holy” book say that anyone who doesn’t embrace Islam is considered an infidel and should be eliminated!! Not good!!

    • Will have to sacrifice American soldiers then, cause that’s what will happen , it’s a no win situation, but u can’t let these lunatics get a nuke

  3. How about getting rid of the people that are cloud seeding our country with Chemicals?! How come you never talk about that ?

    • I agree. Cloud seeding has been going on since 1946 to create ice crystals in clouds to produce more moisture. How much you want to make a bet that joe biden’s regime was involved in the acceleration of hurricane and rain in western NC and in GA and FL. How about the fires in california. Why didn’t they cloud seed there to produce more rain.

  4. No, I am not in favor of war …. but that is what the despicable lowlife democrats want. Just obliterate iran with some MOABs. We need to be rid of that filth from earth once and for all. They don’t even deserve to breathe.

  5. First and foremost cripple them economically just like the first Trump administration! Use clandestine operations to further harm their leadership and finances! I’m quite sure Israel has a few tricks we could borrow!

  6. I voted yes, but not because I really want war, but I also don’t want them getting more nuclear weapons. I don’t regard Muslims a religious group, I regard them as a political group and it’s their way or death. All Muslims need removed from the US and stop selling land to China! That’s just crazy!

  7. Iran has allied itself with Russia and China. Russia has been somewhat depleted due to Ukraine, but China has been building for war while FJB/ his minions have flooded our military with mentally deranged sissy “boys” . I think “rocket man” in North Korea is also in that alliance, but even though that country is ridiculously inept, it adds to the threat.

    Trump was able to crush Iran before; he can probably do it again. I hope he’s stopped 40 million weekly being given to Iran, and they’ve most likely burned thru most of what FJB left behind in Afghanistan.

  8. Might have no choice, you can’t let these lunatics get a nuke! They won’t hesitate once they get it , so?

  9. No – instead help the freedom-loving people of Iran overthrow the vile regime ruling over them.

  10. Though I am against War and the loss of life it brings sometimes in life the talk must end and action has to begin or it’s just bluster. I said yes to War with Iran but I believe in one bomb and a one day solution. Send them all to there God and let him sort it out.

  11. For now, uber aggressive sanctions and collateral force ops would be better:
    1. Cut off bank services
    2. Quadruple the sanctions
    3. Deport all Iranian visa holders and illegals; send them to El Salvador’s prison for now.
    4. Place a naval and airforce embargo around the waterways and airlanes into Iran to turn away supply chain. Stop food, meds, industrial, fuel from entering or leaving Iran.

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