(Commenting on)  POLL: Should Secret Service be investigated?



  1. For what, incompetence? Pretty obvious they are part of the devil DEMONcrates cult. Not sure what standards are in place clearly DEI is part of it.

  2. I read where local police agencies were to secure outlying buildings. Secret service agents still should have followed up to make sure this was done.

  3. Cheatle……needs to be investigated. Her background is all DEI & other leftie bullshit. That one secret service sniper had the target locked in & his finger on the trigger…..so….who told him to wait?

  4. I voted yes, but with this corrupt administration and president, A.G. nothing will come of it. I’ve said for a while now their next move would be to try and eliminate the True President. They’ve tried everything and nothing sticks this is their last chance!

  5. A possible danger area like that left unprotected. Of course should be an investigation.

  6. The problem is we also have a FBI we don’t trust doing the investigation…
    It’s sad to me the women secret service is coming under such scrutiny however this is what happens with DEI. We question if the person is the best because of how they look. Before we knew they were the best.
    I don’t so security and even I know a building with site line to the president within shooting distance needs secured!

    • You are right Brandi. How can we trust the fbi when 51 of the despicable pukes lied. On October 19, 2020, one of the dirtiest tricks in electoral history was played on the American people by 51 former intelligence officials, who used the false alarm of “Russian interference” to stop Donald Trump winning a second term as president.

      Using the institutional weight of their former esteemed roles, they signed a DISHONEST letter to mislead voters 15 days before the election, claiming that material from hunter biden’s laptop published by the New York Post “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

      In their expert opinion, “the Russians are involved in the hunter biden email issue.” Screw these bastards. They lied and should all be in jail for election tampering. They even tried to screw the computer store owner by intimidating him. Again, screw the bastards. Did they attempt to take the computer store owner out too? Lowlife hunter biden’s brain was allegedly so drugged up with his crack habit, he couldn’t even remember when or where the hell he left his computer. Just another scumbag.

  7. YES, HELL YES. Why was one of the snpers being ordered to stand down when he saw the filthy pig with a gun. People in the crowd were screaming “he has a gun, he has a gun”. Allegedly, the sniper was ordered to stand down but admitted he disobeyed the order and shot the little prick. Now why would the sniper be ordered to stand down? Was this an alleged inside hit job gone awry? In the photo, looks like the perp’s blood were splattered over the cement and maybe his brains too. Good for the sniper getting him. When you attempt to assassinate a President along with other innocent people in the crowd, that’s the prize the perp gets, death. I don’t care about him or his family in pain. They raised him. Hope the prick enjoys his continuous burn in the fire pits of hell right beside satan.

  8. While I doubt that the secret service played an active part in the assassination attempt, I do believe that the people in charge of setting up the protective screen around president Trump made a conscious, and treasonous, effort to leave an avenue open for any such shooter that might appear. I don’t question the loyalty or bravery of those agents in the field but I do question the loyalty and integrity of the secret service administration and those in the office of Homeland security to which they report. Also, given their recent history regarding Trump, I do not trust the FBI to conduct an honest investigation of what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania. I believe that anything that reflects negatively on the Biden administration will be covered up from the American people.

  9. In light of the fact that the FBI now says it can’t unlock the shooters phone, both the SS and FBI need to be investigated. This all just smells rancid.

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