(Commenting on)  POLL: Should presidents allow their children to serve in White House positions?



  1. I voted no but I didn’t have a problem with Trump’s “successful” kids helping out but with Hunter’s history, I wouldn’t want him advising ANYTHING!

  2. It depends. If they are law abiding citizens and can pass a background check and drug screen, then I don’t have a problem with it.

  3. I voted no, too!! If the President is directly giving orders to a family member employed under his direction, that to me is nepotism. In public service, such as I was in a school district, that is not allowed. How can Biden allow a convicted felon to work in the White House? 🤔 Isn’t that what the Democrats have been pushing about Trump? Oh the hypocrisy that is on display now!! 😂🤣

  4. I said no because Hunter is a drug addict and can be bribed and no addict should be allowed to serve.They should all be drug tested to serve. If the grown adults are like Trumps kids I have no problem.

  5. I said yes, with PROPER security clearance and obviously a clean record and drug test. Hunter is wheeling and dealing with his foreign business partners and raising money for the Big Guy to live on after they get booted out of DC. I feel the last executive order Biden will sign will be a broad statement of pardons for all of his family.

    • I’m in agreement. If the children have experience in the position they are hired for and can pass a “real” security check, qualify for a level of security clearance needed for the level of information they may be exposed to while doing their job, no problem.

    • I agree with Claude. However, I voted No, as we know that people were not happy with the Trump children in positions. Even though there was never any problems with drugs, lying, and wheeling and dealing behind Americans backs. Trump realized that and I recall him saying he would not have his children in government positions again. As for hunter, the scumbag, he doesn’t belong in government at all. That prick belongs in jail. He is a sleaze ball.

  6. I voted no.also, Hunter should not be anywhere near the White House or at Camp David, as he’s a convicted felon, wouldn’t trust him as he could be giving secrets away to those foreign countries behind his father’s back. Trump’s children were fine I had no problems with them being there.

    • Ginny, Trump is a convicted felon too (which I expect the case will be dropped or overturned so that should go away soon but currently he’s a convicted felon),so I don’t agree that just because you are a felon you can’t be trusted. In Hunter’s case, his character revealed through his own words and his history of addiction issues and corruption are the prime reasons why he should not be an advisor to his father.

  7. I voted unsure, simply because I found no problem with intelligent, law abiding citizen children of President Trump holding an office in his administration. Hunter is technically a trashy person with only self serving goals in mind. So I would have to say it would depend on the person. Also with Biden thinking Hunter is intelligent, he wouldn’t question his decision’s or motives. That’s dangerous for America!

  8. I voted “no” however I believe it’s special circumstances. If the children have degrees in something and aren’t coke heads and a threat to our country that’s entirely different.
    We all know Hunter is a criminal and a coke head. He already sold the US out what’s stopping him from doing it again? This is the Biden Crime Family not the WH.

  9. I think it’s fine for children and other family members to be a part of the President’s team as long as they are vetted for clearances, etc., just like any other member of the team.

  10. I voted unsure for the same reasons that Diane expressed. I agree with all the comments. I pray a lot.

  11. I said unsure.
    Because it honestly depends on what roll they are given.
    The left has issues with Trumps kids advising their father and given rolls in the administration.
    However to our knowledge Trump’s kids are not a dead beat dad,drug addict , sex addict, selling our country to the highest bidder type of people. So there is that.

  12. It is not allowed in some professions at all. It comes down to a conflict of interest and can be dangerous in certain situations… think law enforcement… having a parent as a direct supervisor isn’t a good thing. Even in the reverse, the child should not be supervising a parent. It isn’t healthy. Trump appointed his children from the get go and they were vetted. Hunter hasn’t been as far as we know. This is not a save situation for our country at all.

  13. Depends on the kids intelligence and no drug addict. Also should have some knowledge of how government works

  14. I had no problem with Ivanka Trump working with her dad. What qualifications does said child have? I have a problem with Hunter. I don’t think a crack head should have access to anything that comes through the White House. Was it Hunters crack found at the White House??? I voted yes in your poll but it should be with common sense conditions. Wasn’t Hunter making deals with China before his dad was President??? I don’t trust him or Joe Biden for that matter. Hunter has got to go!!!

  15. I voted “unsure” also. We can see the difference between Trump’s and Biden’s families. Trump’s family are solid patriots who are 100% pro America. Meanwhile, Biden’s family are IMO, all traitors to this country, getting bribes from foreign countries to line their own pockets. Quite a contrast!

    I have zero issues with Trump’s family being involved. Zero. Hunter? He’s in there to keep wheeling and dealing, setting up as much $$$ to come into the family coffers while Biden still has any powers.

  16. I voted yes, but only if they are qualified, the same as any other employee working for the government. Trump’s kids were professional, and were very good. Biden’ son, on the other hand, shouldn’t even be allowed in the white house.

  17. They can be advisors which is not an elected position and they don’t get paid. According to Office of Legal Council advisor is not nepotism.

  18. I voted unsure because to me it depends on the educational background, their qualifications, age of course, – family members tend to not backstab parents and have the parent and his/her status and position in their best interest. Loyalty is extremely important to a President.

  19. I voted no for the simple reason have we voted for any member of family being there in the world affairs we have had children there have we not. It this sumbag Hunter with the dope addict lying tounge and the way he lies about his own kid in my opinion a low life crawling piece of crap

  20. I think since his father has dementia, they are sending Hunter in the meetings to make sure nobody slips Joe a resignation letter to sign.

  21. I voted yes because if they are vetted and qualified, no problem. Hunter is a problem, he couldn’t pass a security clearance, nobody with his baggage would pass security clearance. People who vote for a declining old man who takes advice from his drug addict, sex addict, porn addict, convicted felon, disgraced veteran, tax evading, deadbeat dad, lying son are complete idiots.

  22. If the kids want a job in government, they need to qualify within the pool of qualified applicants; no “favorites”, no special treatments, no nepotism.
    JFK and RFK “partnership” comes to mind… didn’t work then; won’t work today.

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