(Commenting on)  POLL: Should former presidents’ families have Secret Service protection?



  1. Generally NO! Presidents and their spouses should have some SS protection as long as there are known threats. Children and their families only while their parents occupy the WH. NO President should be able to grant lifelong protection to their children. They leave office with enough money to pay for private security if needed.

  2. I expect the South African president to “extend” Hunter’s vacation to put pressure on Trump. All the dems and former presidents will jump on that.

  3. That would mean we would have to provide for all past presidents with kids which goes back to probably Kennedy. No! we sure shouldn’t be paying for a crackhead going on expensive vacation

  4. It’s really not a simple yes or no question… they should have some Secret Service protection for national security reasons. The rules as they are right now seem to be sufficient. I would like to see Trump have it on his way out along with Melania. I feel like if a Democrat takes office after Trump, they are going to try to revoke his protections. Joe Biden was the most crooked president ever and Hunter is worse. President Trump made the right decision. I question why he wasn’t notified about this sooner.

  5. Absolutely NOT. No security for family once President is out of office. The President made enough money to pay for his own security for family members. Only President and spouse for a determined amount of time as other Presidents have received. No security for hunter the prick and his hoe bag. biden is no longer resident in thief; and hunter the druggie, thug, liar is old enough to pay his own way. he can ask ellen degeneres to chip in. So he is broke. Really? Do we really care, hell no. He just left the US so he wouldn’t be cuffed and hauled off. But he has connections….his old degenerate father. Guess the dirtbag prick hunter has no concept on how to save for a rainy day, ehh? Only how to spend taxpayer’s money so he gets everything for free. FU hunter, you are a dirtbag lowlife piece of garbage.

  6. SS protection for out going Presidents used to be 5 years, then 10 years after leaving office.
    Obama made it for life for ALL living ex Presidents. Vice Presidents get six months.
    The government also has to pay for living quarters wherever they are located.

  7. Presidents for life? Yes.

    Children? 16 is fine and even until the day they turn 18 I would be okay with but only if it is requested.

    Adults? Nope.


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