I said undecided only because certain judges are using the bench for their own agenda and those judges should be removed. Where a judge uses the law in the book for their rulings that’s different.
This is such a slippery slope where it shouldn’t be. The law is the law judges get away with bad rulings for saying it’s their interpretation of that law. This is the issue.
Judges should only rule in facts and law that’s it. Not feelings ever and if a judge is guilty of that then they should be removed matter which political leaning
If there are actual legitimate reasons case by case for interfering (I have no idea what that could be) then no. But if it’s strictly about what it has been thus far, activist judges delaying the inevitable with nonsense rulings and costing taxpayers additional money then that’s a YES from me.
Removing one or two Liberal Judges would lead to Democrats removing all Conservative Judges when they get back in power.
It’s the best to just appeal it to a higher court. So sad that a lot of Judges do not know the Law or the Constitution.
Thomas Jefferson has a problem with how Judges would rule, especially Supreme Court Justices, We have 3 Branches of Government, which are to check each one, but who is to check the Judges, some interpreting the Constitution one way, and others another way. The Constitution is not hard to understand, but it’s amazing how Liberal Judges interprets it. Colleges and Universities must have a particular way of teaching it for these Liberals to understand it the way they do.
It’s absurd and even dangerous that these activist judges make decisions that affect the entire country. How can some activist judge with TDS in Rhode Island decide what goes on in the rest of the country? Since when are they above the President of the U.S. and Commander in Chief?
I seem to recall either in Trumps first term or during the Obummer years, there was a similar legal dust-up coming out of the 9th Federal Court (San Fransicko). They tried making and deciding laws for the entire country. I don’t recall if the SCOTUS became involved, but the end of it was that these courts only can adjudicate within their own district and nothing more. Looks like it’s time to remind the bought activist judges of that. Of course, best thing would be to have them impeached and removed.
Groups & political parties shouldn’t be allowed to shop around the whole country for a judge that will side with them. This is why people don’t trust the government too many outsiders interfere and hold things up. Which is their intention but then nothing gets done
They should lose their license to practice law, period! This is treason! They are getting US Citizens killed and happy about it! They are stopping the President from protecting us, it is his job!
I said undecided only because certain judges are using the bench for their own agenda and those judges should be removed. Where a judge uses the law in the book for their rulings that’s different.
This is such a slippery slope where it shouldn’t be. The law is the law judges get away with bad rulings for saying it’s their interpretation of that law. This is the issue.
Judges should only rule in facts and law that’s it. Not feelings ever and if a judge is guilty of that then they should be removed matter which political leaning
Agree 100%! Very well stated 👏👏👏👏👏
If there are actual legitimate reasons case by case for interfering (I have no idea what that could be) then no. But if it’s strictly about what it has been thus far, activist judges delaying the inevitable with nonsense rulings and costing taxpayers additional money then that’s a YES from me.
Removing one or two Liberal Judges would lead to Democrats removing all Conservative Judges when they get back in power.
It’s the best to just appeal it to a higher court. So sad that a lot of Judges do not know the Law or the Constitution.
Thomas Jefferson has a problem with how Judges would rule, especially Supreme Court Justices, We have 3 Branches of Government, which are to check each one, but who is to check the Judges, some interpreting the Constitution one way, and others another way. The Constitution is not hard to understand, but it’s amazing how Liberal Judges interprets it. Colleges and Universities must have a particular way of teaching it for these Liberals to understand it the way they do.
It’s absurd and even dangerous that these activist judges make decisions that affect the entire country. How can some activist judge with TDS in Rhode Island decide what goes on in the rest of the country? Since when are they above the President of the U.S. and Commander in Chief?
I seem to recall either in Trumps first term or during the Obummer years, there was a similar legal dust-up coming out of the 9th Federal Court (San Fransicko). They tried making and deciding laws for the entire country. I don’t recall if the SCOTUS became involved, but the end of it was that these courts only can adjudicate within their own district and nothing more. Looks like it’s time to remind the bought activist judges of that. Of course, best thing would be to have them impeached and removed.
Groups & political parties shouldn’t be allowed to shop around the whole country for a judge that will side with them. This is why people don’t trust the government too many outsiders interfere and hold things up. Which is their intention but then nothing gets done
Congress should impeach these judges but they won’t.
They should lose their license to practice law, period! This is treason! They are getting US Citizens killed and happy about it! They are stopping the President from protecting us, it is his job!
Notice they are mostly subversive communist POS judges who are not of American blood.
Why are we allowing this???