(Commenting on)  POLL: Is the federal government doing enough to help Hurricane Helene victims?



  1. FEMA is broke because they are giving all the money and food to the illegal invaders that Biden/Harris are importing. So can anyone explain how this is an emergency situation because it’s an preplanned crisis that has been executed by the federal government. They planned it and have defied the constitution to make it happen, they have stolen money from every agency to fund these invaders and they have turned their backs on every American citizen.

  2. I think it’s being done on purpose. They’re leaving people there to die. I can’t wait for all the corruption to be exposed.

  3. No they used the money for illegals.
    I literally hate that Democrat party. They could not give a single shit about anyone. Not even those dumb enough to vote for them.

  4. I’m guessing they aren’t helping enough bc it’s Trump country and the election is a month away. They don’t want them to have the ability to vote in 2 swing states

    • Amber, I agree with you. It makes me so angry that if I had to crawl on my hands and knees to vote against this evil, I would crawl to vote and not for a Democrat.
      Also, have you seen the report in the New York Post and on Instagram of a helicopter pilot from S. Carolina who was told if he flew back into the Lake Lure, N.Carolina area to rescue people the local authorities would arrest him? We can send all kinds of air rescue and drop supplies into other countries but WHERE IS OUR OWN NATIONAL GUARD WHEN WE NEED THEM?!!?

  5. The Femma director said they aren’t broke so which is true. People are still missing. The power is down. How is anyone going to buy food and keep it exactly

  6. Even more outrageous than the piddling amount of $750 compared to what the Biden administration sends overseas and to illegal immigrants within this country, is the fact that the money is really a worthless gesture. In these isolated areas with no access from the outside world, where and how are they going to spend that money? By now the shelves I’m sure are bare. Without electricity, most stores can’t even operate because their registers don’t work. Are they going to buy gas from gas stations whose tanks are empty and can’t operate because they need electricity too? It was a meaningless gesture and that’s all it was intended to be I’m sure. Just so she could say I did something. Trump would have mobilized the military and had them there on day one!

    • Many NC residents have said that their application for $750 was declined bcz they had homeowners insurance ( which takes months to process ). Our govt is useless.

  7. Keep reading articles that people owning their own helicopters were starting to get supplies into areas in the mountains and rescuing people and were told to stop. The government has helicopters why are they being used?

  8. Hmmmm, let’s compare what they’re giving the ILLEGALS. Bet you will never see a comparison by any of our corrupt politicians INCLUDING the spineless republicans. Corrupt Ukrain and these scumbag criminal ILLEGALS are draining we the people’s bank accounts.

  9. Biden, Harris is so slow to do anything for the American people but they give what these illegals a place to stay, food, money in their pockets and yet hurricane disaster these people get nothing. Now you know what the Democrats think about their own people. They only want you to pay more in taxes so they can give it others countries, and illegals. Get the Jackasses out and put the elephants in.

  10. And the most CORRUPT administration in Our history wants to give $25,000 interest free mortgage loans to ILLEGAL INVADERS. Gives them free housing and food. Sounds about right that they only want to give $750 to LEGAL Citizens. Disgraceful 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
    When will the low information DemoncRAT voters wise up???

  11. I live in North Carolina. In a small little town right outside of the mountains. My area got hit but not as bad as the entire mountain area. The federal government is doing nothing. Our local shops on main street are doing more than this administration. We have a small local airport and they are running supplies on their own dime. Sometimes 8 -9 times a day. Our local police departments are running supplies. Even in our area some are still without power. It’s absurd and pathetic how they are handling this. And now FEMA says they are out of money. UNREAL

  12. FEMA is broke!!😡
    This is where I live just outside of Asheville and the response from the Feds is not good! People are still waiting for approval for relief funds. Had lined, grocery lines, very little places taking plastic, still so many without power. I am angry!

  13. Unbelievable, how little out government cares or supports the American people. Land grab, shutting down the lithium mine, for what purpose? To make sure we only get our goods, chips overseas! Trying to arrest real American citizens for trying to help and save lives! I pray for all who are affected and for the many who are helping.

  14. Didn’t the Biden, Harris administration just give billions more to Ukraine? Isn’t our government supposed to be caring for Americans first? Or does that just go for the Biden family and Democrats?

  15. NO!!!!!!!!!!!
    They’re doing nothing except stopping people from going in to help.
    They’re out of money, especially since they just gave more billions to Ukraine. So, that’s Ukraine $200b+, US $0, nada, nil, nothing.
    Then when on camera, when discussing the situation, Commie-la say with that shit eating grin on her face silent as can be.

  16. This is not the government I respect there will be a pay day they have tired our America in to a laughing stock to all country. Folk wake up vote right get these awful politicians out GET BACK TO GOD THAT IS THE ONLY TRUE HELP YOU WILL FIND IF THAT WOMMAN GETS IN IT WILL NEVER CHANGE

  17. I’ll be Joe Biden, President of the United States of America. ‘Which storm?’ That’s how much attention they are paying to this disaster!!!!!!

  18. We need to start looking at taking care of our people instead of taking care of the millions of
    illegal immigrants.There ulterior motive is to have these illegals vote in the upcoming election.
    The far Left has an agenda to carry out and will do everything in there power to complete the
    mission.How we spent Fema money to help immigrants and don’t help out our own in need.Sad
    but true a vote for Harris is a vote for Socialism.God Bless America.TRUMP/VANCE 2024.


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