(Commenting on)  POLL: Is Obama secretly in charge of the country?



  1. It isn’t a secret! H said he’d like to have a few more terms as president but didn’t want to be the front person. O’Stupid and Camel-la are downright evil people and both are dumb as a box of rocks. Now he wants a 4th term. The EVIL man wants to Totally Transform this Country. FBHO!!!

  2. WOW, seriously it’s taking a poll to show the obvious? Obviously the clowns really believe Americans are clueless.

  3. He was with Biden in. I’m not so sure with Kamala. Her campaign and decisions seem far to disjointed to be coming from Obama.

  4. Easy to see it. This country is as screwed up as bad as it was during Berry’s anti American terror. But even he was and is a puppet for more powerful evil entities.

  5. As stated by others, this was no secret.. Biden was the puppet being controlled by Obama the puppet master…

  6. That scumbag Obama is committing treason and sedition. Hr is running a parallel presidency. He should be prosecuted and sentenced to LWOP.

  7. Biden/Harris don’t have enough brain cells between them to get to DC without someone’s help and support. Obama has Soros best interests at heart and plans to carry out the new world order in his 4th term.

  8. i don’t know who’s running the country now with the cackling hyena on the campaign trail of lies and the other one that thinks he’s president on vacation at the beach again, it makes you wonder who is really running the country especially with all the chaos that’s going on right now but i guess it doesn’t matter if they’re there or not they haven’t done anything for the past 3 and a half years for this country other than the damage they’ve done to this country and to the people.

  9. It’s the Globalists like Klaus Schwab who is Obama’s puppet master who’s really controlling everything they want to roll in the One World Order to control/depopulate the world/force everyone into slavery/15 min cities/digital ID’s/complete social control just like China

  10. I said no because he is really a nobody. It is someone with more money, more power and higher up pulling obama’s strings!

  11. I’ve been saying that since they stole the election. He’s the godfather of the queer movement in this country. Him and Mike are the parasites sucking the life from our way of life.

  12. Someone needs to find out what college “Mike” went to and find her graduation thesis. I was told it was a very bad view on white people and how they all needed to be destroyed.

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