(Commenting on)  POLL: Is Governor Newsom to blame for the uncontrolled fires ravaging California?



  1. Newsom doesn’t want to politicize the LA fires because he knows his policies, I.e his politics, are responsible for them and their severity. The incompetent LA mayor and the incompetent LA fire chief both share the blame and the responsibility and are scrambling to avoid the consequences that they deserve.

  2. By not doing proper forest management he is guilty. By not building the paid for reservoirs he is guilty of negligence. By tearing down dams to protect the smelt he is guilty. He should be held responsible for this travesty.

  3. Newsom is at fault for caring more about illegals than his people, he knew the consequences of a fire and he didn’t care. To say praise to Biden is ridiculous, all he cared about was Hunter’s house and him becoming a grandfather. Same old crap from a democrat, never take blame and make everything about themselves.

  4. Disgusting to watch them ALL praising that senile pervert during his visit, what a f’n embarrassment. The incompetence of the devil DEMONcrate s was on full display, more proud of their DEI perverts than the people in need, sad that the clown cult continues to vote for these scumbags.

  5. As an archaeologist I’ve been involved in several defensive fuels projects post- fires here in Northern California. The projects involved mastication of brush and removal of ladder fuels (low hanging limbs,etc). Several of the projects involved removal of hazard trees (dead/dying trees that would fall and block roads or damage structures). One project will be in Paradise with another round of removing trees that died since the Camp Fire and require removal for safety reasons. Every one of these projects has FEMA funding. The paradise project was supposed to start April 1, 2024. Why didn’t it start? FEMA was broke (this was months before the hurricanes). So why was FEMA broke? Our taxpayer money was instead funding the care and feeding of people who had no right to be here.

    By no means am I exonerating Newscum- he’s contemptible at best. He gets more federal taxpayer $ than anyone else but is corrupt to his black rotten core. But who can say that if not for Biden’s open border that perhaps in some part the LA disaster could have been reduced in scope? Then again, no FEMA $$ would have prevented Newscum sending our water to the ocean instead of building reservoirs with $$ already voted for by the people. Newscum is despicable.

  6. NewSCUM typical democRAT politician SCUMbag. President Trump warned him and he did nothing. Stop voting democRATS into office. They don’t give a rats ass about anyone but themselves.

  7. His Aunt PIGlosi got him the job. The rest are stupid DEI hires. Just stupidity all around. Should be fired, all of them.

    • Nancy Pelosi is not Gavin Newsom’s aunt, but the two did once share a family connection through marriage. Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law, Ron Pelosi, was once married to the late Belinda ‘Barbara’ Newsom, who was Gavin Newsom’s aunt.

      Barbara married Ron Pelosi (Paul Pelosi’s brother) in 1960, and they divorced in 1977. She died in 2008.

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