(Commenting on)  POLL: How would you rate the first night of the DNC?



  1. The Democrats get the usual response from me= lying Bastards.

    The riots from the peaceful protestors well I’ll just say that they are just starting to get angry and I hate that out men and women in uniform are forced to stand in front of them.

  2. When Lame Ass spoke and said the rioters outside had a point, it made his protestations about Charlottesville mute.
    They were spewing statistical and accomplishment lies all night! Taking credit for things OPT did was disgraceful. Giving blame to OPT for their misdeeds disgusting. Saying they value Our MILITARY laughable, think Afghanistan. Talking about Our SAFETY disingenuous, the BORDER CRISIS.

    • Gonna watch Thursday to listen to Kommunist Camel-la tells us how she is going to rescue US from her failures these past 4 years. She won’t tell us that she is going to try her damnest to turn the US into CHINA West!
      🇺🇲 TRUMP/Vance TSUNAMI 2024 🇺🇲

  3. I barely watched it because I couldn’t stand to hear all the lies and hate spewing from their mouth. Biden always gets angry when he says the “suckers and losers” that Trump supposedly said.

  4. I didn’t watch so I won’t vote. However the clips say it all.
    Watched Buttigedge interview in fox with Lawrence. He pointed out issues with Biden unable to lead and others had to take over for him during meetings. The response. You act like Biden is still running for president! Hello he is the president!! Idiots think Biden not being the candidate fixes things..

  5. I just saw the dreadful clips of the protesters and them trying.to bring down the ” wall” SO many people out there ,they certainly outnumbered the police . This was day 1 the progression won’t be good .

  6. that score is just from the coverage I have seen did NOt watch and will not watch… evil is growing legs in chicago…. abortion and vasectomy in the streets and they care for children

    • Is that blue building shown in the photo where they are performing abortions and vasectomies or just setting up appointments to murder babies and make men sterile. A vasectomy is not always successful in preventing pregnancy. At least it will be one less democrat on the planet. It looks like a Quonset hut. democrats are like terrorist islamists. The only good one is a dead one of both.. I would have loved to kickbox that trash bag hillary to Antarctica. Someone please, put this bitch out of her own misery.

    • I watched very briefly to hear joe biden screaming at the top of his lungs. Then he couldn’t pronounce “electoral, electrical”. What the hell was he trying to say. I couldn’t stand all those ridiculous signs bobbing up and down every 5 seconds. What a bunch of dumb ass people, they are all brain dead if they want socialism, amnesty for millions of illegal freeloaders, and a secure border. Screw democrats.

  7. Goodbye COUP COUP Joe. You are useless to the Democrats now. Your TRUE friends EMBARRASSED the daylights out of you and your family. You were taken out by CACKLES. LOLOLOLOLOL! Wishing you everything you deserve!

  8. i’m not wasting my time watching the shitbags of this nation lie and con their way to steal this election.

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