(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you support weekly performance reports for federal workers?



  1. Most white collar workers have performance reports either by number of sales or number of cases closed or began. A doctor is forced to see a certain number of patients so that the office can meet payroll. If you can’t show progress in your job, then you need to find one you can.

  2. I personally think they should be at the manager/supervisor level to begin with, make them accountable and if there is refusal at that level fire them and get a reliable non DEI leader. Measures and controls is a must. Audits will be critical to ensure compliance.

  3. I don’t think weekly reports are necessary. Monthly ones should be sufficient. The Managers need to hold the employees accountable to their job descriptions. If the employees don’t carry their load properly, firing is then possible. Managers who do not fulfill ther role as supervisors should be replaced.

  4. Most workers must submit a report for the week! I feel the only reason for bitching about this is because they are slackers and need to go! Such a bunch of whiney babies! “You’re fired!”

  5. It would certainly keep them on their toes. Hopefully make them feel better about themselves making progress and feel of value.

  6. I think a monthly would suffice…but make sure managers are doing their due diligence in “supervising” the employees under them

  7. Performance Reports are different from giving a weekly summary of what you did. A weekly summary is fine. Those on vacation or medical leave, make sure you remind your supervisor.

  8. I’m a federal worker so I voted no! I work for HUD and we already are being monitored. Now I have to worry about my job.

    I’ll agree a ton of waste is done at HUD and all agencies. I’ve said that for years. No one listened to me. The biggest wasted program is that reverse mortgage program. The government loses tons of money on that. The banks should do it themselves.


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