(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you support Trump’s proposal to end Social Security taxes for seniors?



  1. Why on gods green earth would these corrupt politicians ever come up with a plan to tax you twice is the real question. The entire tax system itself is criminal and they know it.

    • In short, to control. Marxists have a parasitic relationship with the society it controls. The more money these corrupt people control, the more they can advance their own wealth and power. If anyone doubts this, name one institution in this country they’ve improved. The DOJ? Education? The CDC? Election integrity? The good news is there is an awakening happening. The MAGA movements greatest legacy is that it pulled back the curtain and exposed them.

  2. Amy tax relief question IMO is now to the tax, yes to removing them. Until the wasteful out-of-control spending is stopped! And the freak in govt just prepare a budget and stick to it! Why do we pay taxes if the govt just prints money in the trillions to cover the waste they create?

  3. Seniors deserve a break. They work their whole lives. For some it’s their only income. If their spouse dies, they lose that income. Give them some relief

  4. I had no idea they were paying taxes in it. I always thought ss was tax Free..
    Idiots in Washington taxing the poor ..
    People pay unti SS all their working life to have it when they no longer can work. It’s taxed twice. How ridiculous

  5. joe biden fought to tax SS at 80% when he was a scumbag senator. Hey joe, we already paid taxes on that money before it was deducted from our paychecks. The 114,000 jobs created – part-time service industry work, right joe? No insurance benefits or pension benefits, right joe? 114,000 jobs created, but 3.24 Million LOST. Not a gain joe. “Tens of thousands of Americans have already lost their jobs in 2024, and economists say it could be an early sign of what’s to come this year. In April 2024, the number of job losers and persons who completed TEMPORARY jobs in the United States stood at about 3.24 million”. How many jobs were created again, joe? By my calculations, 3,126,000 jobs were lost as of April, 2024. Do not brag on your 114,000 jobs created you braindead idiot, joe. You didn’t create anything but a monstrous mess in America, joe. I can’t stand the sight of your ugly face nor that of the of the despicable sidekick kamala.

  6. i think until the news agencies start seriously speaking in detail of the intentions of the (WHO) world health organization, (WEF) world economic forum,(UN) united nations. the voters won’t have a real clue over the genuine consequences of these groups total regulatory intentions to our nation. they can essentially cancel all of our constitutional rights. just by declaring any type of emergency they pretty much can manufacture. real or not. just look at whats going on in western europe. its all happening there already. in a few short years it will all be here. the government dictating to us about our energy,water usage. everyday actions that we all take for granted. electric cars are out now, but they don’t care if they don’t totally catch on. its really about no one having there own car to begin with. everything will be based on global climate theories.

  7. Having your Social Security taxed is adding insult to injury! These commie scum sucking politicians have robbed it blind! All politicians pay should be cut by 50% and that money put in the social security fund!
    Currently foreign aid is passed in a bulk pot! That practice needs to cease! IF and only IF a country is an ally then help them! The rest of that wasted money shouldn’t uid go into the social security fund! Furthermore the entire tax code needs to be scrapped! It’s full of fraud and cheaters!

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