(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you support the release of Julian Assange?



  1. The only reason he was charged was he exposed the crimes of the DOJ. it’s amazing how many times he has exposed the crimes of various other corrupt politicians and officials. Now I want a list of sexual abuse cases in Congress that we are paying for.

  2. So ~14% of the pathetic shills actually don’t know or think he shouldn’t be released? F’n pathetic commie fools. No wonder this country is in such a deep dangerous decline.

  3. Once again someone who exposed others much to their horror …very glad he is finally out ……I pray he and his family are protected ,i’ d LOVE it if Trump pardoned him

  4. I am so happy he finally was released. I am concerned for his safety however. There is a reason the US “let him plead guilty and his sentence was for time served.” I just don’t know what it is but I don’t think it was out of the kindness of their hearts!

  5. We have way too many crooked politicians in our country. They need to be fired, and their pensions taken away from them

  6. He never should’ve been incarcerated and has been through hell just like so many others who exposed the horrible things our government has done! He needs a divine hedge of protection around him! I agree with Withheld above there’s a reason he’s finally been released and it concerns me after all of this time. God has said He’s bringing more whistleblowers and more information is coming that will bring down the ones who have been ruling over us and destroying our country! These people are evil and have done horrible things to be in power and it’s time for them to go! I’m definitely glad he’s finally free!

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