With the amount of money that is being wasted by the department and lack of results we need to let the states pick the curriculum.
I want it gone and I teach
I taught for over 40+ years. Our system started going downhill after the US DOE got involved. I agree with you 100%
Trump should absolutely abolish the Department of Education. It was only put in by Carter as an appeasement to the teachers unions anyway. The report card is in. Test scores across the nation have never been lower. Whatever the hell it’s doing, it’s not working. The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing but expecting different results. It’s well past time to show these bureaucrats the door!
Do I support the elimination of the Department of Education?
Mr. Bill, you stated it perfectly 👏👏👏👏👏
Yes, eliminate the fraud and waste…..teaching children to hate America doesn’t cut it. They need to teach children how to read, write, do math, and speak properly. Leave it to the states to do their own work on education. Let the parents decide if they want to send their child to public, or private school. Allot a $$$ amount to each child for education so the money follows the child allowing parents to decide the childs school. What ever is not covered by that dollar amount, the parents pick up the rest. It’s even for everyone that way.
Yes give it back to the states. They are fail our children. We rank 38th not good
Send it to the states ! End the government corruption
Our Constitution gives good advice when they state that no thing that is not specifically allocated to the federal government should be sent to the federal government but to the States.
This has been a long time coming! Send back to the states… Kids are ‘graduating’ not even knowing how to read! All they are learning lately is ebonics and boys can have babies. Enough already!
Yes, send it to the states.
With the amount of money that is being wasted by the department and lack of results we need to let the states pick the curriculum.
I want it gone and I teach
I taught for over 40+ years. Our system started going downhill after the US DOE got involved. I agree with you 100%
Trump should absolutely abolish the Department of Education. It was only put in by Carter as an appeasement to the teachers unions anyway. The report card is in. Test scores across the nation have never been lower. Whatever the hell it’s doing, it’s not working. The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing but expecting different results. It’s well past time to show these bureaucrats the door!
Do I support the elimination of the Department of Education?
Mr. Bill, you stated it perfectly 👏👏👏👏👏
Yes, eliminate the fraud and waste…..teaching children to hate America doesn’t cut it. They need to teach children how to read, write, do math, and speak properly. Leave it to the states to do their own work on education. Let the parents decide if they want to send their child to public, or private school. Allot a $$$ amount to each child for education so the money follows the child allowing parents to decide the childs school. What ever is not covered by that dollar amount, the parents pick up the rest. It’s even for everyone that way.
Yes give it back to the states. They are fail our children. We rank 38th not good
Send it to the states ! End the government corruption
Our Constitution gives good advice when they state that no thing that is not specifically allocated to the federal government should be sent to the federal government but to the States.
This has been a long time coming! Send back to the states… Kids are ‘graduating’ not even knowing how to read! All they are learning lately is ebonics and boys can have babies. Enough already!