Personally I believe records should not be released until a case is solved. However, if there is nothing in the records that would jeopardise the case, then they should be made public
Until Hillary gets arrested and charged with murder it’s probably better to wait on releasing the files. Keep her looking over her shoulder for Kash.
Agree. hillary was responsible for this man’s death. I love watching her look over her shoulder every second of every day waiting for the big pounce. It would be wonderful seeing that ugly face of hers behind bars, and living in a cell with a wash basin, and a toilet, no shower.. She would have to share the showers with other inmates and that would be dehumanizing to her. She would have to wait for her assigned shower time. FEEL THE BURN hil-liar-y, you lying, old, wrinkled, skank.
Agree. hillary was responsible for this man’s death. I love watching her look over her shoulder every second of every day waiting for the big pounce. It would be wonderful seeing that ugly face of hers behind bars, and living in a cell with a wash basin, and a toilet, no shower.. She would have to share the showers with other inmates and that would be dehumanizing to her. She would have to wait for her assigned shower time. FEEL THE BURN hil-liar-y, you lying, old, wrinkled, skank. And hope no one has soap-on-a-rope.
I think if there is still an investigation going or the DOJ/FBI are waiting for more information then yes hold back the information. I do believe our government needs and should be transparent, I also believe we can be patient when needed to know information..
Unfortunately the article doesn’t mention anything about the reason why they are withholding them. Maybe now that we have an unbiased unweaponized DOJ that is not protecting the deep state, we might actually get a prosecution in this case, in which I would agree not releasing the files is the right thing to do for now
Personally I believe records should not be released until a case is solved. However, if there is nothing in the records that would jeopardise the case, then they should be made public
There may be a reason to withhold the information until a possible prosecution is researched.
Until Hillary gets arrested and charged with murder it’s probably better to wait on releasing the files. Keep her looking over her shoulder for Kash.
Agree. hillary was responsible for this man’s death. I love watching her look over her shoulder every second of every day waiting for the big pounce. It would be wonderful seeing that ugly face of hers behind bars, and living in a cell with a wash basin, and a toilet, no shower.. She would have to share the showers with other inmates and that would be dehumanizing to her. She would have to wait for her assigned shower time. FEEL THE BURN hil-liar-y, you lying, old, wrinkled, skank.
Agree. hillary was responsible for this man’s death. I love watching her look over her shoulder every second of every day waiting for the big pounce. It would be wonderful seeing that ugly face of hers behind bars, and living in a cell with a wash basin, and a toilet, no shower.. She would have to share the showers with other inmates and that would be dehumanizing to her. She would have to wait for her assigned shower time. FEEL THE BURN hil-liar-y, you lying, old, wrinkled, skank. And hope no one has soap-on-a-rope.
I think if there is still an investigation going or the DOJ/FBI are waiting for more information then yes hold back the information. I do believe our government needs and should be transparent, I also believe we can be patient when needed to know information..
9 years???? And hey claim to still be investigating??? Lies, lies, and more lies!
Unfortunately the article doesn’t mention anything about the reason why they are withholding them. Maybe now that we have an unbiased unweaponized DOJ that is not protecting the deep state, we might actually get a prosecution in this case, in which I would agree not releasing the files is the right thing to do for now