(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you support SCOTUS’ decision on presidential immunity?



  1. The outright craziness of the left’s perception of the decision makes me laugh. TDS is alive and well.

  2. There wouldn’t have even been a case before the SC if the CORRUPT O’BaDin administration hadn’t unjustly gone after Our President TRUMP with bogus charges just to get rid of the competition. It backfired on them and now they are crying foul. LibTard DemoncRats have no moral compass except the need for absolute power.

    • Agree….now 25 democrats have come forward to remove biden. That number may have grown since yesterday 7/3/24. scarborough and a host of other media people are calling for removal of him as being unfit. Imagine that, scarborough! It is delicious to watch the dems eat their own, isn’t it? I love watching this come to a boiling point with this brain-dead meat suit joe. Opinion here….biden would not be eligible for immunity for hiding documents in his garage in Delaware, the Penn Center or other locations when he was vice president. As VP he was not authorized to even have them or to declassify them. Is that a valid point? I believe those documents he stored in his Delaware garage were there before he was sworn in as president so immunity would not apply. He was not even a vice president at that time. The issue is proving those were in the Delaware garage when he was still vice president. As I see it, that still does not make him eligible for immunity as immunity only applies to the President, not the Vice President. He might have been selling influence at that time. Isn’t that treason? And immunity as it applies to a president refers to if he committed Criminal Activity against the US.

  3. The Dems are overreacting. If this had been reversed the left would be praising the decision. Also it helps their pal Joey from being prosecuted once Trump is back in office.

  4. Yes, I think it was the right decision! Look how many crimes the Democrats have committed while they were in office and still are every day and nothing has been done to them! All the charges against President Trump is all political hit job to keep him off the ballot.

  5. Biden should be very grateful for this Supreme Court ruling. The things Biden has done while President would all be subject to trial. There are, though, things for which Biden should still be held accountable that happened before he became President and probably also some that happened during that don’t meet the criteria for immunity.

  6. The only reason that the Democrats are having a hissy fit about this decision is that it helps Trump. Presidential immunity is essential for the operation of the office and the scary stories that are being spread around the MSM networks are just so much bullshit. Their hypotheticals are totally irrational and meant only to frighten the voters.

  7. Biden is clueless about this could save his butt when Trump gets back in at least from some of it. Jill and Hunter needs charged with elder abuse. I am glad that they gave that ruling. There is so much Biden can be charged with it still won’t save him.

  8. I can’t believe Democrats were so flummoxed by a behavior that has been accepted for years. Now it has been reaffirmed. About time.

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