(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you support the RNC excluding its position on abortion?



  1. I believe that the Republican Party does lose votes bases on women’s reproductive rights/abortions in general, and if it is truly the responsibility of each state to legislate abortion laws and regulations then just leave it at that. I’m a conservative Republican and I don’t believe in abortion, but I’m not comfortable pushing my beliefs on others. As for Mike Pence, he’s a RINO and I don’t care what he says/thinks.

  2. That is a very tough question because the Dems use that as a hammer over the Republicans, but I still think we need to stand by our principles and not cave. Then again, since it’s a state’s rights law we don’t need to use that as a federal issue anymore. I did vote “no” but I guess if they leave it out I’m okay with that. It doesn’t change my personal beliefs.

  3. The federal government weather republicans or democrats need to stay out of it and let the states deal with it

  4. Abortion is a non issue. Jeanette said it very well. Republicans lose votes on that. As a former Democrat that one issue is what kept me voting Dem. I’m now a Trump Republican and am still pro choice up to maybe 15 weeks. Republicans need a more moderate take on this issue if they want to win elections.

  5. Hmmm, so the vagina voters admit this issue is more important than the state of the country, WOW. I guess more pink hats will be issued. The country continues down the path of no morals or religion to satisfy all these immoral scumbags

  6. Abortion is a States Issue. Republicans and democrats need to keep out. It’s impossible to legislate morality. I could live with am abortion ban after the first trimester (rape, incest, life of mother, exceptions). I don’t like abortion, but I need to live in a community with people who live differently than I do.

  7. It’s a state issue and needs to stay that way. I, personally don’t believe in abortion but if a woman wants to have one it’s her decision. No man should ever be able to tell a woman what to do with her body.

  8. Let’s be truthful, nobody likes abortions, but it is the government telling women what they can do with their own bodies. This might sound cold, but let’s stop worrying about the dead right now and worry about the living. 400,000 children need good and loving homes RIGHT NOW. IN AMERICA!!!! Probably more because let’s be truthful again not ALL foster homes are the best. Let’s worry about the living 1st, and later on we can tackle abortions. We ban abortions now there’s going to be more children in fostercare with no where to go.

  9. As a President, people have to acknowledge that the President is president of 336 million people. As a President or even a Politician in general, has to reach each and every citizen. I don’t believe in Abortion, especially up to full term. And then it should only be in case of emergency, rape, incest, a mother’s life in danger. But, it seems these days that Abortion is used for Birth Control.
    I blame our Education system for the failure of the importance of life.

  10. I am against abortion but the only reason I voted unsure is because I don’t understand why that language is still needed on the RNC platform since abortion is now up to the States to decide. The Federal government has been taken out of it. No woman should have a right to terminate life just because it is their body! And I don’t mind saying it.

  11. Like it or not alot of the country believes in it’s woman’s right to choose or abortion is healthcare.

    If the republicans want an opportunity to get back in control, and turn America around, they have got to meet people where they are! And unfortunately if it means that they need to give a bit on abortion, then that is what they need to do.

    I’m not willing to lose the country over one issue. And I am 1000% pro-life.

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