(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you support public nudity?



  1. The LBBTQ community has broken all codes of moral behavior and displayed it all in front of young children. Everyone who paraded nude must be arrested! How do they expect anyone to respect them for their alternate lifestyle choices when they put on such a lewd display for all the world to see? It is absolutely disgusting and must be condemned

  2. If a man jumps out and flashes a group of women he will be charged with indecent exposure, so why are the LBTQMNOPWTF crowd allowed to get away with doing this in front of children. If you stop on the side of the highway and urinate and a school is close by you can be charged as a sex offender even if the school is closed. Yet again if you are queer or gay or mentally ill it’s just fine as long as you vote for Biden. There are adult only beaches and bars to go to where children will not be harmed or scared for life by seeing these freaks parading around naked.

  3. Not only do I not support public nudity at the gay pride shows I also do not support public sex like I saw on twitter.. I believe it was during the gay pride shows. There is a time and a place for that and it certainly isn’t in public!

  4. Living 90 miles from SF i know this has been going on in the Gay community for years there. I’m sure other In other big cities too. Even the Bay to Breakers race in SF tolerates nudity. They even have sex when they are on their floats. Join a nude beach or nudist camp and do not allow young children to be robbed of their innocence. And not all gay couples approve of this. We all need to be dignified in public.

  5. What is the urgency to be nude all the time and want to do it in front of children? It has to be mental! It’s mostly the “trans” group that seem to be this way. If you’re an adult and go to a nude beach ok or even a nudist colony. However, having public parades etc… it should not be allowed and if your straight it should apply to you too!

  6. I live 90 miles East of SF and this has been going on for years. Im sure it happens in other big cities too. They even have sex on their floats. Even the Bay to Breakers race tolerates nudity in SF too. Join a nudist camp or beach if you are into this. But do not allow children. Just consenting adults. All public events need to be dignified safe for our children.

  7. When I was about eight years old my family and I went to Wymess Mexico for a vacation. We stayed at a very high end, private resort that had its own private beach and pier and swimming pool by the ocean. One morning I went out and I was playing around on the beach trying to find seashells and such, when I noticed a full grown man at the end of the pier with his great big gigantic humongous belly hanging over his red, string bikini with his junk hanging out for all the world to see, peeing into the water. It is a site that I will never forget it has been seared into my brain. SCARRED FOR LIFE‼️ I can only think about these kids who stand with their parents watching these mentally disturbed, bare naked men riding bicycles and wagging their tails at everyone. It’s disgusting! it’s a immoral! it is F. U. B. A. R‼️ (F-up beyond all reason!)

  8. When I was eight years old my family and I vacation at a private resort in Wymess Mexico that had pool overlooking the ocean private beach. It was very high-end. One morning I went out early to come to the beach for seashells when I noticed an elderly man standing at the end of the pier. He had a huge belly that hung way over his string bikini with his junk hanging out peeing into the water. This has scarred me for life! I can only imagine the impact in these children’s lives after seeing these Barenaked men, riding bicycles with their junk wagging in the wind for all the world to see. YUK!!!!!

  9. Please. I recently discovered Oregon allows public nudity in ALL public places as long as the nudity is not for inciting or inviting sex even if children are present. A Cop, who does not agree but upholds the law made this statement to an upset parent who called the police because of a nude woman walking down a neighborhood sidewalk, nude in front of his 3 year old child. FACT.
    Sodom and Gomorrah is happening in America and only we The People who fight for decency will prevail, The LORD willing.

  10. I agree with Claude. Nudity is not such a big deal where it’s all adults (and in Europe or Islands even families) on the beaches specified for nudity. However random nudity in public places and cities is disturbing, disgusting and inconsiderate of those who do NOT wish to be nude or see others in that way! It shows how depraved and immoral we have become as a society! I do not understand why the lgbtq community insists on shoving their moral depravity down our throats when they represent a very small percentage of the population!

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