(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you support outfitting Guantanamo Bay to house massive amounts of illegal aliens?



    • They are being deported to Guantanamo Bay temporarily because their native countries have refused to accept them back. Better to feed and house them in this monitored, controlled setting than house them in our overcrowded prison system stateside. Anywhere but free to roam on US soil, enjoying free benefits while committing crimes. Never forget that the first crime was crossing the border illegally.

    • Just where do you think Guantanamo Bay prison is….it is in Southeastern Cuba. This will just be a holding cell for these freeloading parasites, criminals and murderers. We certainly don’t want them here in hotels, and refurbished schools crashing and bashing cities and citizens. They don’t deserve anything from America but a cot to sleep on and a toilet. I want them out of here too but we don’t need to house them in America.

  1. I would like to add all the treasonous US Citizens in the last administration be held in GITMO at well. We need to make sure we round them all up for allowing the theft of the United States and the coup the succeeded in as well as the attempt this last election. Treason! War tribunals after we get a legitimate constitutionalist at the helm of this court!

  2. Can we send Trudeau there? He’s illegally representing Canada. He has a minority government. He won’t recall parliament so we can kick him out permanently. Communism!

  3. I support it for the worst of the worst violent offenders along with all cartel members and terrorist organization members.

  4. Put the illegals in Gitmo until they can be shipped back to their countries. In the meantime cut all American funding to those countries. Why does America have to support the world? I would like more money in my Social Security check each month. This last 2.5% increase Medicare was increased and I have an additional $2.00 each month. I can’t buy eggs with $2.00, if I can find them. Keep our tax dollars at home.

  5. Why should we take care of these criminals unless we make them work for what they are getting for free? Put a manufacturing facility where they are being kept and make them work! We’re paying enough for all the criminals here!

    • Amen to the manufacturing facility for free labor. But they only can make uniforms for other prisons, and harmless stuff like aprons, and sanitary napkins. Their three hot and a cot will be their pay.

  6. Yes. Gif rid of these criminals out of our cities. They are destroying America along side with the nasty democRATS.

  7. Send them back to where they came from. Let their country deal with them. If they try to cross the border again, shoot them.

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