(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you support Melania Trump’s statement on abortion?



  1. IMO once there’s a baby involved, you’ve already made the choice of what to do with your body. Except in cases of r*pe or inc*st of course.

  2. I believe like tator said she has the right to her opinion.
    The abortion debate has people on both sides right.
    And both sides extreme views wrong. We need to concentrate on preventing the need for an abortion and the Republicans as usual fail in messaging

  3. I agree everyone has a right to opinion but so tired of woman especially mom calling abortion a right to birth control !!!!!! Abortion is not birth control take a pill , get an impart in your arm , get fixed no one has a right to kill a baby !!!!

  4. What are her and all these other women saying the same term limits? If no term limits then no I don’t agree. Why can’t they answer the question?

  5. I voted yes, but only to a point. Women know when they are pregnant. I think that they should decide to keep or abort soon after realizing they are pregnant. Waiting until a baby is viable is to late. I do believe in abortion for the health of the mother, in cases of rape and incest. But, again these should take place sooner than later. The thought of letting a human life wither and die after a live abortion /birth is 1st degree murder.

    • I agree as well! I also respect the statement “my body, my choice “ but only to a point. A woman has the right to choose whether she wants to have a child or not. That right comes with RESPONSIBILITY to prevent unwanted pregnancy! There’s no excuse not to! There are numerous forms of birth control as well as self control! Except in rape or incest where no choice was given. In the event of a “mishap”, if abortion is the only solution then it must be done in a timely manner before viability! Otherwise it’s murder! And the “choice” for a right to life has been violated.

    • Agree Claude and Fred. Claude, you and I agree on exactly the same three things. And Fred you and I definitely agree that abortion is murder and not birth control. There is one other instance that might not be known by a lot of people. An ectopic pregnancy. It is where the egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube and never travels out of the tube. The baby trys to grow and the tube bursts creating massive internal bleeding. The mother would certainly die if that tube were not removed surgically. It happened to me in 1988. Thank you both. Whenever I meet God on my demise, I may meet my tiny precious baby up there sitting beside God.

  6. First Lady Melania has the right to her own opinion. She is very eloquent in how she phrased it and I admire and respect this beautiful kind hearted woman. But I am pro-life. Women have the right to an abortion only if incest, rape or life of mother is a major concern. They need to have birth control under control and use it. There is the pill, the morning after pill, IUD and other means to prevent pregnancy. Educating yourselves is the first step, then come up with a plan. Abstinence is always an option. Abortion is in the hands of every state. Let’s leave it there.

  7. WHAT ABOUT THE BABYS FREAKING RIGHTS ? STOP WITH THE MADNESS! IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE A PARENT …… KEEP YOUR DAMN LEGS CLOSED! Or do something to prevent it. I don’t even like the rape, or incest or life of the mother but that’s at least some what tolerable and I believe GOD would understand but just to say a women has the right to do with her body when there is another life involved makes absolutely no sense! It’s murder change my mind! You can’t! Melania should be ashamed and I see her different now!

  8. Women need to read Galatians 2:20; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; and Romans 12:1-2 and understand it is not your body it is God’s body. God created you and gave you life -God creates the baby inside a woman – it is God’s baby.

  9. Everyone has a right to their own opinion. Where it is wrong it to force taxpayers to pay for their actions and choices. Abortions should not be a form of birth control to be used like there was no consequences. A life was terminated and that fact will never change.

  10. And how about the baby’s rights they need to stop using abortion as a means of birth control shame on these women this is just damn wrong

  11. Melania is supposedly Catholic and she should be strictly pro-life. As a Catholic myself, I am saddened that she feels the way she does.

  12. My body my choice ☝️🤓 except its not your body if in 9 months it will be born. Abortion is murder at conception and i can’t believe the gaslighting of all the women making them think they need it! Would you believe in the 1800s and earlier if a women found out she was pregnant she would be saying it was her right to kill the baby?! of course not because we had common sense back then

  13. Everyone has a right to an opinion…..it might seem trite, especially from a former First Lady and wife of the current candidate but …….when you’re a woman, it’s ever more important to speak your truth.
    Someone spoke this morning on Harris Faulkner show and she brought up a very important factor in the decision re abortion…….ECONOMY…….I had not thought of this aspect but it’s true. When a woman is secure and able to care for her child, her chances to keep it are higher than if she’s poor and barely scraping by. I personally believe that we as tax payers would prefer to support the idea of birth control for women in place of the “after thought” ABORTION! I think there would be less divisiveness among the parties if we were preventing and not destroying LIFE in the womb.

  14. Melanie has a right to her opinion, as we all do, I think abortion should not be part of the government’s business.Birth control First of all. And abortion in some cases, when a woman’s life is in danger including ectopic pregnancy.. the baby is not viable.I have a loved one that went through this, too.Very sad. And cases of rape and incest of course.. common sense. Not the government’s dam business!, This is a women’s thing and family and doctor matter. Why Harris cares so much about this shows where her Brain is at.Yet she never had a child, very strange.

  15. The problem is that most abortions are performed because of inconvenience. The respect for life is lower than I have ever seen before. The “my body ,my choice” took the place when the woman decided to have sex. However not recognizing that life has value even if the person is small does not take away the fact that the life is separate from the mother. She is simply the vehicle in which the new life rides and receives nourishment from. As the wife of a man whose father did not want him, and whose mother was told if you abort of give up the baby for adoption, I will marry you, I am thankful that she thought about the life she carried and chose to allow him to be born. It was not convenient for her but she understood responsibility for life.

    We have men, women , and children being murdered every day because of the lack of respect for life. Melania is welcome to her opinion but living by your opinion and truth is not the same and there is only One Truth.

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