NO!! We can’t afford to send any more aid to other third world countries who hate us!!
How about we give money and aid to the people in n.c.. we send billions to the whole world and f our own citizens.
Like Trump said “it’s not our fight”
Stay out of it.
Hell NO!
F*** Syria. They were not a friend of the United States under Assad and will not be a friend under the new islamist regime that has taken over. How about sending some aid to the people in North Carolina and in Florida who are still suffering from the effects of hurricane Helene? Biden only wants to send them aid in Syria because he’s figured away to get 10% kick back for the big guy. This is his last opportunity to steal from the United States as his term ends.
Syria is now being run and occupied by ISIS and Al Quaeda. Any aid goven to Syria will be stolen by these terrorists and used against us later. Either nuke that nation or leave it alone.
I read yesterday that Biden ( yeah, right… he barely knows what day it is) sent bombing missions to destroy Isis camps in Syria. This rotten to the core regime is trying to start yet another war in the Middle East. Yet another bomb for Trump to defuse.
I follow Monkey Werx, an ex military guy who interprets military flight patterns. He posted a new episode yesterday- which is unusual because he never posts on Sunday. He’s highly suspicious of US involvement in the takeover because of its speed. I wouldn’t doubt it.
Trump can’t get in soon enough. 43 days and counting down.
No. America first.
HELL NO! But just watch dumb ass Biden send them a bundle
NO, THAT WOULD BE A HELL NO. Fuck syria. I don’t give a rat what they do. Now the dumb ass donkey butt brain dead meat suit joe will send money or he will have their people brought here to take care of. The money will be confiscated by terrorists to buy arms and weapons by terrorists.
They got rid of one dictator and will be replaced by the same.
Yes one nuke at a time, then moving on to the next terrorist state to share in the spoils of terrorism.
F no should be more like it!
NO!! We can’t afford to send any more aid to other third world countries who hate us!!
How about we give money and aid to the people in n.c.. we send billions to the whole world and f our own citizens.
Like Trump said “it’s not our fight”
Stay out of it.
Hell NO!
F*** Syria. They were not a friend of the United States under Assad and will not be a friend under the new islamist regime that has taken over. How about sending some aid to the people in North Carolina and in Florida who are still suffering from the effects of hurricane Helene? Biden only wants to send them aid in Syria because he’s figured away to get 10% kick back for the big guy. This is his last opportunity to steal from the United States as his term ends.
Syria is now being run and occupied by ISIS and Al Quaeda. Any aid goven to Syria will be stolen by these terrorists and used against us later. Either nuke that nation or leave it alone.
I read yesterday that Biden ( yeah, right… he barely knows what day it is) sent bombing missions to destroy Isis camps in Syria. This rotten to the core regime is trying to start yet another war in the Middle East. Yet another bomb for Trump to defuse.
I follow Monkey Werx, an ex military guy who interprets military flight patterns. He posted a new episode yesterday- which is unusual because he never posts on Sunday. He’s highly suspicious of US involvement in the takeover because of its speed. I wouldn’t doubt it.
Trump can’t get in soon enough. 43 days and counting down.
No. America first.
HELL NO! But just watch dumb ass Biden send them a bundle
NO, THAT WOULD BE A HELL NO. Fuck syria. I don’t give a rat what they do. Now the dumb ass donkey butt brain dead meat suit joe will send money or he will have their people brought here to take care of. The money will be confiscated by terrorists to buy arms and weapons by terrorists.
They got rid of one dictator and will be replaced by the same.
Yes one nuke at a time, then moving on to the next terrorist state to share in the spoils of terrorism.