You can’t buy alcohol or tobacco products unless you’re 21.Hell, I was back from Vietnam and finally turned 21 so I could vote for the first time.It’s pure evil insanity to allow CHILDREN to make life destroying decisions
This should not even be a question. This is child abuse plain and simple and the people that support it practice it should be jailed for life! PERIOD!!
Not no but he@@ NO!!
Anyone who said yes to this poll is just as mental as the people who want it.
It is a mental illness! Not just the child but also the parent that encourages this! The are in need of counseling!
HELL to the NO!!! I think the parents of any child that they are trying to ALTER should be ALTERED first and then when the child is 18, they can make their own decision!!!
If you answered yes or unsure, seek out help!
There needed to be a hell no button!
They are children and we are supposed to take care of them and not harm them or let them make permanent decisions about what they may not truly want.
Hell no!
HELL NO!! Absolutely not!!! This is nothing more than experimentation on children not unlike what the nazis did to Jews! It should not be done on anyone under the legal age of consent. IMO,even 18 is too young. The part of the human brain that is responsible for judgement, is not fully developed until well into the 20’s. This is a life changing and life altering procedure that cannot be reversed. It is mutilation at the very least!
But a school nurse can’t give a child an aspirin without calling his/her parents, right?
Seriously? Anyone in their right mind would never ever even be thinking about this sick perverted bull💩. Once again for the few sick mentality ill perverts the rest of us have to subject to this sick bull💩. No matter how you all try and spin this mental illness it’s still f’d up and wrong.
Hell No!
You can’t buy alcohol or tobacco products unless you’re 21.Hell, I was back from Vietnam and finally turned 21 so I could vote for the first time.It’s pure evil insanity to allow CHILDREN to make life destroying decisions
This should not even be a question. This is child abuse plain and simple and the people that support it practice it should be jailed for life! PERIOD!!
Not no but he@@ NO!!
Anyone who said yes to this poll is just as mental as the people who want it.
It is a mental illness! Not just the child but also the parent that encourages this! The are in need of counseling!
HELL to the NO!!! I think the parents of any child that they are trying to ALTER should be ALTERED first and then when the child is 18, they can make their own decision!!!
If you answered yes or unsure, seek out help!
There needed to be a hell no button!
They are children and we are supposed to take care of them and not harm them or let them make permanent decisions about what they may not truly want.
Hell no!
HELL NO!! Absolutely not!!! This is nothing more than experimentation on children not unlike what the nazis did to Jews! It should not be done on anyone under the legal age of consent. IMO,even 18 is too young. The part of the human brain that is responsible for judgement, is not fully developed until well into the 20’s. This is a life changing and life altering procedure that cannot be reversed. It is mutilation at the very least!
But a school nurse can’t give a child an aspirin without calling his/her parents, right?