(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you support funding Ukraine in exchange for rare earth materials?



  1. We need a BIG rare earth payment up front before anymore military aid is given. Also need an accounting of what we’ve already sent. This includes how much Zalensky has sold to other Countries, Cartels. If it is found that he has sold to others…no more aid. But we’ll keep the HUGE upfront RE payment.

  2. We the people are Angry for the Establishment secretly bank rolling other countries and getting Kickbacks lining their own pockets , and telling the American people to shut up about it and take it. Time for an Armed take back of Our Republic. If you don’t allow Trump to clean up the Swamp. We the people an are ready!!!!!

  3. I thought that Ukraine was the most corrupt country in the world. Why would we want to support that. How is this going to bring an end to the war? Trump says he wants to end the killing.
    Didn’t this whole thing start because NATO was threatening to annex Ukraine
    So now Putin is fighting back.
    I hope it can be resolved soon

  4. No. If these rare earth mineral are on land Russia will take back, why deal with Ukraine? The United States has given far too much to Ukraine already with nothing in return. Just no!

  5. Zelrnsky needs to pay us in rare earth metals for all that we’ve given him thus far. Plus how do you mine for rare earth metals when there’s a war goi g on? I’d be concerned that it would tick Putin off.

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  6. I think we’ve funded them ENOUGH!! They can start paying back the BILLIONS & BILLIONS we’ve already given them in rare minerals!!


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