(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you support amnesty to illegal spouses and their children?



  1. I am really afraid but certain (99%) that this will pass and be implemented. This will fuck the USA for generations to come.

  2. Send them all back. If you love an illegal enough to marry it and breed with it, well you can do so in another country.

  3. No – my son-in-law came to the US at 14 and has been here for at least 20 years and did all he was to do LEGALLY, every year or few years. He’s not a citizen as it costs LOTS of money to do so. He married my daughter, they had three children, he works HARD and pays taxes but does not have all the privileges of a citizen. It is wrong for someone here illegally to get those rights and benefits!

  4. I am so ready to take our country back by ANY means necessary. But these wimp republicans will not do it. I want a city that has its own border fence and is patrolled by the inhabitants. Own stores only American made products. Fu*k this current government. I’m glad the scotus made bump stocks legal again. Everyone will need one soon

  5. What part of ILLEGAL does the Biden administration not understand. Follow the law and do it Legally. FJB and all you Phony Traitorous Corrupt Establishment communists socialist Rats πŸ€ . We the people , πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Trump 2024 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ .

  6. Amnesty is bullshit. No one should be eligible for it. What part of illegal do these fucks not understand.This bastard biden is letting the world in here. FJB…joe choke on your own spit tonight.

  7. If you are illegal, you do not belong in this country.They need to be deported and sent back from where they came. Come here legally be able to take care of yourself when you do have a Place to live and contribute to the system for the benefits that you will be using.Do not expect to live off the american taxpayer’s backs. I don’t support one policy that Biden obama have put into place.It’s all the destruction of this country and This regime should be imprisoned for treason Against this country and the american people those open borders Have endangered this Country and the american people it is against The constitution.

  8. Love the newsletter and should comment also on that beautiful high-rise building.That is going to have a grand opening $600000.A unit for homeless.What do you think is going to happen to that building in less than 6 months?I’ll let you use your own brain to figure that out.

  9. No! They should not profit from an illegal act. And best they should be deported and then reapply for admission on a legal basis. There is too much opportunity for fraud in cases like this to do otherwise.

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