I think Mount Rushmore is a historically piece and should be left as is. I do think Trump should have his own monument close by though. He deserves it!
Trump saves our country from the evil. As a reminder, do not forget the Divine One who anoint him. Yes, put him on Mt. Rushmore. Also he did celebrate 4th of July there for the first time in a long time.
If president Trump can truly demolish the Deep state and bring back America to it’s roots, then I absolutely think that he should be on Mount Rushmore
Hasn’t done enough yet! But if he remakes the three letter agencies and truly returns the government back to we the people…then absolutely.
I think Mount Rushmore is a historically piece and should be left as is. I do think Trump should have his own monument close by though. He deserves it!
Trump saves our country from the evil. As a reminder, do not forget the Divine One who anoint him. Yes, put him on Mt. Rushmore. Also he did celebrate 4th of July there for the first time in a long time.
I voted no. But, I’m with you Bob, if he can accomplish that, then I’m all in!
Not yet. Let his term be over and see what gets done. Does he deserve it? Not yet. Will he? Probably so
I support it only because I know it will
give those rabid hyenas on the View a stroke or heart attack. Ya know- like those jabs!!!
LOL (laughing out loud)
Has to prove himself first, then maybe.