(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you support a ‘DOGE dividend’ to send Americans checks using saved funds?



  1. This is a bad idea because dumping that much spending power on us would exacerbate inflation disastrously.

    Instead use the money to pay down the national debt.

  2. According to what was said, it’s only going to last years tax payers. Retirees that paid taxes for that government BS are being forgotten. They are struggling to live on piddly SS checks after paying into the system for 50 years! AND still paying redic property taxes on their house that they paid off years earlier! Not to mention sales taxes, gas taxes, increased house and car insurance, high food prices, increased utilities, and increased Medicare premiums!!
    But that don’t count!! 👎🏼

  3. The drunken Senate and Congress got We the People into this disaster. It’s really questionable that when the majority or them enter office their net worth is average or slightly above average, but if they remain in office for 5 years or longer they seem to leave as a millionaire. They have no disregard for our money what so ever. A million lost, a billion lost, or even a trillion lost they seem unalarmed. If they were dealing with their money or pension maybe they would think twice and don’t get me started on the back room deals. I am amazed each day at the amount of waste and misuse of We the Peoples hard earned money. It’s disgusting. I personally would like my misused money back. I know that our debt is astronomical, but We the people have been contributing with our blood, sweat, and tears, I think the Senators and Congressmen should contribute their fair share as well. After all they got our country into this fiasco by turning a blind eye while we were robbed by our own people. I have never in all my life been so disgusted, ashamed, and mad at such blatant thieves. You government thieves will have to answer for this either in this life or to God. May he have mercy on your soul, if you even have one (which is questionable).

  4. I say replenish social security because it was never to have been touched and put metal detectors at the schools and bring god back into our country

  5. No to refunds, will go to wrong people like Covid checks. Go after the ones that stole & get that money back to pay off debt! Then prosecute to the fullest!

  6. I feel we should pay off the debt first! Once that is accomplished, the American people will (or should) notice financial relief that will benefit us all with a great economy, lower taxes and substantial income. However, I have no problem with helping those who have suffered through disasters and were ignored by the previous president and fema.

  7. Im on social security and there are people that dont get enough social security to have to pay taxes. If you only give money to current taxpayers then the people who worked all their lives and dont get enough social security are left out. And, they probably need it more than anybody!

  8. I’m undecided. We have got to pay down our national debt.. when you see things like 12 million for a conversation about…..pick a topic it’s hard to not argue the American people deserve a refund of their money with as DML said an apology. Yet our national debt is scary and can destroy this country…

  9. I would be very grateful to receive a check, but would also like to see a massive reduction in the country’s debt, and property use the money to help our own….. Veterans, homeless, homeless veterans, boost Social Security to those of us who have paid into it our entire working lives, stuff like that.

  10. It would be nice to have an extra $5000 to pay off a mortgage or pay off a car, but I would much rather pay down our US debt for everyone to benefit. There are more veterans in need and poor homeless people out there who could use it. I am not one of them and I am very grateful for that. I was fortunate to have a wonderful career with great retirement benefits and have more than I need. And I don’t spend money on nonsensical frivolous dust collectors. Extra fluff and useless trinkets do nothing for me but I have to dust this junk. Paying down the debt would be our financial relief as another poster has said.

  11. We all need to remember that Trump is going to Drill Baby Drill! The USA will have plenty of money with opening our resources. Plus if Trump used tariffs that will take care of future monetary expenditures for our country. I say give us our money back. I am a senior citizen and need to do much needed repairs done to my house. I sure could use it.


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