(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you fear the US will go to war to protect Israel from Iran prior to the election?



  1. The government is definitely going to pull something prior to the election, just not sure if they will actually protect Israel.

  2. My niece is on the uss Cole, one of the destroyers accompanying the Roosevelt aircraft carrier. They were attacked by drones in the Gulf of Aden just over a week ago (everyone ok)but it wasn’t reported at all in the msm. They are heading to Israel according to the military times. Maybe this show of force will thwart any attacks by Iran.

    • Iran is not afraid by our current administration. Sad to say but true. I will keep your niece in my prayers.

    • Thoughts and prayers for all those on our carriers and in our Military. It’s a shame we have to keep fighting someone else’s war started by adversaries. I still support Israel.

  3. I voted NO, because I don’t fear it! It would be the right thing to do. Israel is Our BEST ally. Now that being said, the reason they might do it probably be political so that they can gain some votes. But the American People would see it for what it is. Our President TRUMP still wins in a TSUNAMI!

    • It would be against his fellow DemoncRats! Now he knows that they are snakes in grass. He did what they told him to do for 3+ years and then turned on them.

      • biden now feels betrayed by his minions; specifically, harris who propped him up for the last 3 1/2 years and lied about it. She is just as complicit as he is. I don’t expect biden to last long over this. He won’t get over it easy and will probably be in a 24/7 care facility soon. They actually threw him under the bus and he has already been run over by it. He deserved it. He was too stupid to realize any different. obama allegedly threatened him into it in exchange for exposeing all his treasonous acts as well as scumbag hunters and jill’s DR title. I don’t believe she actually earned that title. 81,000,000 votes my ass.

  4. I don’t want to have to go to war for Israel. But our country has made promises to Israel in our history. God will hold us accountable to make sure we uphold agreements made by our government. This is corroborated by God making sure that the Israelites keep their word even after they made an agreement with another group that God told them to not do this. That group even lied to the Israelites about who they were. Even tho the Israelites were always plagued by the group they made the agreement with.

  5. I pray we don’t but it does not look good. There are going to be shenanigans the left will pull before the election and do not trust them to wait. I just hope we are not the ones to start it.

  6. Before the issues even started in Israel. I said watch the Dems will get us into a war because people don’t like changing leadership or the Dems will come up with a rule saying we have to delay elections. Anything to stay in power.

  7. Hmmm, all while our boarders are wide open, inflation, our own veterans getting ignored, billions to Ukrain, corruption at an all time high….seriously shills ? WTFU and take a deeper dive into research before waving your warmongering flag.

  8. I don’t see the U.S. going to war with Iran. Iran is the favorite nation of team Obama and the whole democrat party.

  9. War with Iran?? Are you kidding??? On a good day Iran would last about 6 hours in a hot war with the U.S. and Israel.

    • That $6 billion that joe sent iran has got to run out some time. No wonder the democrats love iran. They forced joe into funding them.

  10. I am afraid that the Democrats are trying to get us into a war with Russia, China, Iran or whoever before the elections but make no mistake about it they are not doing it to protect Israel. They are funding the war against Israel on all three sides and are not even trying to hide it anymore. FJB, FKH, screw the Democrats. I’m sure there are one or two good ones but they are too chicken to stand up along with most Republicans.

  11. Is it True that there will be No Election if we are at War Come Election Time? God Help us if this is True!!🙏🇺🇸🙏

  12. ‘Fear’ is the wrong word. ‘Concern’ would be the correct word to use. I am concerned about the situation, yes, but if the U.S.A. were to strike Iran it would not be an all-out war like WW I or WW II. But I think it would be more disastrous for the whole world.
    I am praying for all our soldiers in our military for safety, and for God’s wisdom for our government leaders in this situation

  13. This is called “wag the dog”. Clinton bombed empty Al qaeda training camps to distract the media feom his blowjobs in the WH. Same thing can happen to cover ip the election fraud and Kamala’s ineptness by starting a war and distracting the dumb public or even extending war acts to delay elections and have more time to commit fraud and install Kamala.

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