(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you believe Trump will win Pennsylvania?



    • These bimbos just want their right to an abortion on their terms. Murder lovers is all they are. Satan is licking his chops for these murdering women. Why do these stupid trash bags want this issue in the hands of the Federal Govt. It should never been in the hands of the Federal Govt but the bimbo’s are too stupid to realize they can ban it also. It is better in the hands of the state. They don’t like their state’s rules, then they can move out.

  1. Kama-Lair has been alienating her voter base except for the lbtqFMG’s. It seems her campaign just can’t F’up enough with these screwed up ads targeting black males and other groups. It’s almost comical to think that they honestly believe that these ads are a positive spin on her campaign. At some point she needs to accept responsibility for what happens during her time in office. Quit trying to blame Trump for all of her failures and gross negligence.

  2. If the people in Pennsylvania have any idea what they will get in the future they will vote for Trump but if they are paid off to cheat they get what they deserve 🇺🇸❤️🙏🏻

  3. Notice how everyone mentions the cheat factor by the Dems… I agree and that’s why I voted “unsure”… It’s truly pathetic that in this country our elections are anything but secure…

  4. I think they are watching everyone and everything with space force and starlink 🥰 they won’t get away with it this go around ……. They had to let them steal it last time. To show the masses what they wanted to do ! Wake up people!

  5. I’m hearing and seeing ( on social media) more people willing to bite for Trump then prior years. I can not see how Trump won’t win .. however I also don’t feel like the 2020 election was fair so there is that issue

  6. No Trump wont win because the left has the system rigged. Even if Trump wins they will annouce Harris the winner.
    Trump will win the election but Harris will be the next president and this will be americas last election.
    We will have only one partyand one choice from now on.

  7. They better put a lot of guards at the polls in these Democrat Districts, they’ll be going to far lengths to win this Election!!

  8. We all know he won last time. You can’t be 800,000 votes ahead when they choose to stop counting at 10 pm and then wake up and he’s behind. Please

  9. I voted unsure as I think he would win but the Dems aren’t even hiding their cheating any more. We all know that there will be massive cheating from any and every angle

  10. I think he will if they don’t get away with cheating like I read they are doing . They need people watching them all night long while they’re counting because I seen where that’s when the big cheat is going to happen. Amish community is voting for Trump too.so if she when’s the cheating worked once again for them.

    • Do the Amish vote? There are many many Amish folks in the county I live and the surrounding county. I didn’t think they got involved in politics.


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