(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you believe there will be more assassination attempts until Election Day?



  1. The LibTard DemoncRats will continue to try. They have tried to dehumanize all in the MAGA movement. They have done this systematically by calling US threats to democracy, deplorable, weird, etc. Their acolytes have taken it to heart and see US as not worth breathing air. Barry, Killery, Sleepy, the MSM, šŸ«LA and Stolen Valor Tim have all voiced this HATEFUL rhetoric. What they don’t realize is that eventually, we the PEOPLE with the weapons, will fight back for OUR Democratic Republic!

    • Agree,,,,,lock and load. I will never give up a weapon as kam-u-nist, kon, kneepads, kommie, konniving, kopykat, kammie, the kackling kunt kam-ahh-la wants us to do. That bimbo is off her rocker. She needs to krawl back in her kave if she thinks any NRA member gun owner will do that. The democrats are the ones who are the biggest threat to our Constitutional Republic and our democracy as they keep referring to us as being. She needs to round up all the illegal gun owners and confiscate those guns. Lots of luck with that kockroach kam-ahh-la. The NRA will fight you until eternity before any guns are confiscated from legal gun owners. Eat it kam-ahh-la.

    • I do feel that President Trump has Our Lord Jesus Christ watching over him. Itā€™s hard to believe but I feel that itā€™s true. We have to trust in God, but Trumpā€™s people still need to be vigilant about his safety !!
      I think the criminals from FBI, CIA and Homeland Security are working with their MK Ultra victims to commit this act against Trump. They are going behind the backs of Secret Service and trying to make them appear as the guilty ones. Secret Service is walking a fine line in trying to protect Their President within the confines of the enemy-the ā€œDeep State ā€œ
      Itā€™s a scary situation for our nation and our president. We have to pray šŸ™

  2. I canā€™t believe Trump canā€™t see after all the guilty evidence from first assassination attempt that the BIDEN SECRET SERVICE were the ones who did conspire to assassinate him themselves?? He needs to throw out Biden secret service security & hire his OWN PRIVATE SECURITY ?? Why hasnā€™t he ? Secret service should have had a perimeter of security around him covered!

    • As long as we first get the info we need from this cockroach, then he can go ahead and suicide himself. Someone needs to guard his cell 24/7 until that is accomplished. He might hang himself with a bed sheet. Remove anything from him like a belt or shoe laces. It is obvious he is a war monger and supported biden/harris and now the dumb bimbo harris. I believe I heard or read he supported palestine also. That means he supported murderers of Israelis and Americans. There would be one less despicable cockroach in prison to feed for the rest of his miserable life.

  3. Something needs to be DONE about his safety!!

    I understand that Trump deals with things in his own way, however he NEEDS to take this more seriously & he & his family need to be just as outraged as the rest of us!

    Here is why, as history itself shows us with Kennedy, (NOT that Vance is in any way like Lyndon Johnson) but, what are we left with? Trump is the momentum, he is the one that has the support & trust of the American people! Without him? We would probably get Kamala or an unproven candidate that people donā€™t yet trust & are not as enthusiastic about!

    Mr. President, without you? At this point? The MAGA movement isnā€™t strong enough to WIN. Please, for the sake of the American people. Be SAFE.

  4. While watching Trumpā€™s rally in California, I felt nervous for him and even mentioned to my husband that I felt he was an easy target in the wide open space, and I just knew someone was going to try again at some point, especially since the government is stonewalling the investigation and report on Butler. Future would-be assassins probably feel emboldened by their seemingly lack of interest in getting to the bottom of it. Just my thoughts.

  5. I think Trump should hire his own security…..retired veterans?…..some of those bikers for Trump?….people he can trust. Like someone else here said….the secret service could be compromised & he is unable to see it.

  6. Yes, if you were Obama and the deep state and this close to completing the fundamental transformation wouldn’t you try again and again to take the one guy out who can and will destroy it all?

    I believe they will still try even once he is president, if he wins again.

  7. Three letters.CIA.This is who killed JFK,RFK and MLK.This character reeks of being a CIA asset.Always in trouble but only got probation.Traveled all over the world but no real means of money. Backed Ukraine and recruited and sent veterans there to fight.Same with the kid in Butler.Who was he talking to via encrypted messaging?We will never know until we take our country back from the Demonrat communist/socialist party

  8. I believe that the evil leftist democrats will stop at NOTHING to keep Trump out of the White House! They will find any and every brain dead lunatic to carry out their evil deed! I firmly believe that if they are successful, they will be coming after ALL of us! Pray! Pray! Pray! That God is on our side! Pray for protection for Trump and all of our trust worthy conservative leaders! This is a war of good against evil! Evil will try and try again!

  9. Unfortunately, yes they will continue.
    They’ve taken out their claws a long time ago. Evil will stop at nothing.

    May God protect Donald Trump and his family. And may God protect and have mercy on our country.

  10. The Democrat party will continue to espouse hate of Trump to provoke a lunatic to kill him. Also i believe worms like Obama, Pelosi, Rice, Clintons are working back channels through hostile foreign powers to recruit and pay a crazy to kill Trump.

  11. I voted ā€œyesā€. There are many more crazy haters waiting in the wings. President Trump needs to be more aware of where he goes and he should hire his own security, forget the SS!

  12. The bottom line is Trump needs to hire his own private security and dump the secret serviceā€¦what theyā€™re gonna do is put an assassin disguised as secret service to assasinate him.. we canā€™t be there to help unfortunately..HE NEEDS HIS OWN FUCKING SECURITY WHY CANT HE SEE THAT!!! šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


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