(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you believe Iran was involved with the Trump assassination attempt?



  1. I don’t think Iran was involved with the attempted assassination attempt. I think it much more likely that it was elements of the Deep State working within the Biden administration that set the wheels in motion for it to happen and then provided an avenue for the shooter. We’ll never know the truth of the matter because basically the Deep state is being asked to investigate itself.

    • Absolutely. That’s why when the assassination of Trump failed – they knew Biden was going to lose – so they staged a coup to get him out and retain power. AND THE MEDIA IS COMPLETELY SILENT. they continue their so called journalism as if everything that just happened were totally normal, just run of the mill politics/elections.

    • Totally agree! Just like “Russia, Russia,Russia!” It’s now “Iran, Iran, Iran!” I think it was the fbi, but that’s just me.

  2. Nah. Iran would never invest in a whimpy messed up kid.
    The deep state (Obama, soros, Clinton) were no doubt the murderers.
    And just like cheating in the 2020 election they got away with it, mostly due to their bought media.

  3. They’re pushing the Iran narrative now to be used as an excuse for the next attempt! We all know this attempt was a democrat/ deep state job just like every other thing that has happened!

  4. I know for a fact the fbi along with the doj and the DNC where all involved in it together and they are not done . They will absolutely kill Trump they have no other choice they have done so much horrible shit it will take decades and many people to die to bury it all to cover for Obama Hilary and Biden. They have decades of corruption that could possibly be exposed if they loose power. The people of America ever find out what they have been doing it will be the end of Government and democrats forever. There will be massive deaths the amount of tyranny they have forced upon people of America richest couin the world and 80% barely get by cause of the democrats.

  5. I clicked unsure only because I feel it was our own government that was involved although I can’t totally rule out Iran.

  6. I don’t think this was Iran, more likely Deep State. Next time it will be Iran backed. That will be coming. Just watch. May the Lords Angels watch over him.

  7. Interesting how the deflection is Iran?? This is why America is in chaos most do not research or read they jump to whatever conclusion the corrupt media throws out there. More gaslighting lies. Just like JFK we the people still don’t know the real truth and it wasn’t just LHO. By the grace of god we didn’t lose DJT. The sheep are all lined up at the cliff and most are too stupid to know why.

  8. I think it’s very convenient that the media is acting like the murder plot from Iran is something knew.. to me it’s a head fake. If the pol asked do you believe that deep state Dems were involved I have a feeling the answer would be yes ..
    The hearings are showing that the secret service is lying still and blaming local police… The slanted roof story then turned to the sniper couldn’t see the assassin because of the center lip in the roof. The pictures shown from the director is a head fake because the sniper has scopes not the same as the picture showing with the naked eye.Then we see video of the assassin walking upright. So again another excuse brought down.

  9. No other country will be involved in America’s takedown. The deep state will take care of it all on it’s own.

  10. biden may not have pulled the trigger, but I bet he was behind the order and the SS was paid off. The order to joe was from obama, “step down or we will expose your entire scheme”.

  11. Remember when Schumer made the comment to Trump, You mess with certain agencies they have a dozen ways of getting you back.

  12. The smart and republic Americans 🇺🇸 Know who it was behind the Assassinatiion attempt on President Trump. Evil will not win. We have God on our side. Amen

  13. Not Iran, just crooked Democrats. They will stop at nothing to keep Trump out of the White House. The raid on Mar a Largo was an attempt to steal and destroy the evidence Trump has on them before he could be re elected to clean up DC. Now their only option is to assassinate him before the elections. Iran has become the new Russia so the corruption on the left can gaslight the masses.

  14. I taped unsure because they “say” they cannot decipher his encrypted messages. Like I really believe that one. I really believe that the deep state had their hands all over this. So for me I waver betweenndeep state and Iran.

  15. It was our own government without a doubt. And they’re sewing the seeds to blame it on Iran. I think they all had a part in it – FBI, CIA, DOJ, USSS – with Obama as the self-appointed general.

  16. There can be no blame on Iran, if there is another assassination attempt on Trump. It has now been 18 days and the USSS has not been forthcoming nor transparent with the American people. There has only been 1 person to “step down”. Where is the accountability? Rest assured, there will be no other blame EXCEPT on the U.S. Government should there be another assassination attempt on President Trump.

  17. I think it was Biden’s bosses ? Soros, Obama’s and the Clintons …. Also we see the name Blackrock appears in the investigation ! If you want to call it an investigation. I think Trump should beef up his security because they’ll try again . There’s way too many dirty players in Washington that know when Trump gets in the hammer is going to come down ! We’ve all heard the old saying “Thick as Thieves” … Well that’s the Democrats !

  18. Our own government did it and they expect us to believe it was some random 20 year old? After everything they have done to Trump over the past 9 years this was predictable.

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