(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you believe in state power over education?



  1. I believe the founding Fathers knew best when they said nothing not specifically delegated to the federal government should be left to the states. A lot of bureaucracy would never exist and we would be better for it

  2. Yes, federal government has no business in running schools and what students are taught. I beg for parents to home school to get away from the garbage that children are being indoctrinated with like lgbtq garbage, trans garbage, drag queens, porno, dei and the rest of the “hate America” trash. Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, the US Constitution, English, and American History need to be taught. How about get their faces out of their phones which should be first on the list.

  3. If you leave it up to the states, you will have blue states running their agenda, and red states another agenda. There needs to be an agency that keeps the radical blue states in check. DOE should be kept, but repurposed.


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