(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you believe gun control is the solution to school shootings?



  1. It’s an asinine assumption that taking OUR 2nd Amendment Right would stop school shootings. Thugs will always be able to obtain weapons. Look at all the major LibTard cities that curtail gun ownership and the violence in those cities that are gun related.

  2. It’s education to teach right from wrong, hold those accountable. We make our own choices even as a kid. My dad was a sheriff and brought his gun home, put it in a drawer, showed us and said don’t you ever touch that. We knew better.

  3. No, just take California as an example. California has the strictest gun laws in the nation, it hasn’t stopped criminals from committing crimes using guns.

  4. We need to do what they do in Israel. Armed guards at every entrance, bulletproof glass, metal detectors and fences. Israel hasn’t had a school shooting in a couple of decades. Quit sending $ to Ukraine and make our schools safe again

  5. How about alcohol control..
    Should we take Budweiser away from all responsible citizens when a single drunk driver kills innocent people?
    Same difference….

  6. I remember the days when I’m high school, some guys would arrive to school in a pickup that had a gun rack across the back window- with a rifle or shotgun racked there. It was no big deal. Why weren’t their even more school shootings then? It didn’t happen.

    It’s ridiculous to say it’s happening because of guns. IMO it’s mental health issues, and apparently on a broad scale, ranging from young to old. Redacted had one podcast reporting that all or most shooters had been on SSRIs. Give the kids drugs instead of mental support. These drugs can have severe mental derangement issues, and when combined with an underlying problem, can have dire results.

  7. What most Americans don’t realize is that there is a greater lethal threat that targets everyone in our society and that is a tyrannical government. Instead of a deranged maniac shooting students on campus, we can have a deranged maniac leader shoot thousands of political dissidents.

    As long as humans are hired as leaders, we need guns to instill fear i to them should they cross the line.

    School shootings did not occur that often during the 70s and 80s. But during that time, parents were not fast to medicate the hyperactive or strange kid. Instead, the quiet, strange kid would be engaged by the community. Nowadays anyone who is not Biff the jock is injected with psychotropics and swallowing multi grams of mind bending mood elevators and anti depressants. Also add there is no morality or ethics taught in the classroom or at home. Fix this and school shootings will stop.

    • Well said. I will also add because I have seen it much to often. Drug use from the parents is a huge contributor to kids with issues. Be it during conception to neglect drugs are playing a huge part in kids mental health.

  8. My father had a .22 cal rifle and a bow and arrow ( he loved hunting) we knew better it was unspoken .Gone are those days …,.Once again LAW abiding citizens are paying the price while the rest pay NOTHING. Meanwhile at our NON border it’s business as usual.

  9. It’s time to start holding the parents or person in the home accountable that owns the gun & has not responsibility secured it so no one can access it.

    • Agreed. How many cases have we heard of an innocent child playing with a gun and shooting them self or another. The person who owns the gun should be responsible and any adult who did nothing.
      Just the same if they left drugs out and the kid died from over dose.

  10. By charging the father the law is being used by the Democrat leader to scare new people who want to own guns. One family was charged already this father sounded like he was teaching his kid about guns. He even asked the police to scare him if the accusations were true. Burn the city rob every store your free but let’s try to put this man in jail for a 180 years.

    • I have to disagree. The father bought his mentally ill violent child who already was suspect of threatening to shoot up a school and AR gun. There was also drug issues and family issues in the home. If you as a parent have done all possible and the kid broke in and stole the guns that would be different. In this case and a few others I completely agree the parents should be charged..

  11. All these school shooting start at home. Parents must be parents, and if your child is not ok, get them Help! It’s not ok to ignore that they are crying out for help.And you dam sure don’t buy them a gun or anything violent, just because they want it. Times have surely changed since computers, cell phones ect. Parents must be responsible especially when their children are minors. God Bless everyone ☮️✝️p.s. Yes minors have to take responsibility for their actions as well. Just Parent up, or don’t have children.

    • I agree that it starts at home. Let’s be honest there are some people that should not have children. The drug crisis also plays a part of this issue.
      I will also say the help out there for dangerous mentally ill kids is a joke.
      There is a list of stuff that contributes to this tragedy and none of it is the guns fault

  12. Killers will kill! Guns isn’t the problem! Instead of over 80,000 IRS agents we should secure our schools! How does anyone (other than police) enter a school with a gun? Ditch gun free zones, educate and arm teachers. Lock all entrances etc.!

  13. I know this won’t be popular I am for red flag laws up to a point. The problem is we know the government will abuse the issue and for that reason we question the use.
    Also people are assholes let’s be honest. You’ll have people reporting neighbors or enemies just to cause issues so again the idea would be abused.
    In a perfect world I believe it could be helpful. However that is also chasing the tail because the gun is not the issue and never was. It’s just an easier means.

  14. The schools need security like they do at the WH the airports. oh and all the commies that push no guns but yet have security.

  15. Guns are not the Problem! Just think back, my generation we had guns standing in the corners of rooms, over the fireplace hearth, pistols on the nightstand. As well as when my Children were growing up. My Dad’s generation and his Dad’s! When I was a teenager, I’d go pick out my favorite gun and go hunting, target shooting. Don’t know of anyone that misused those guns. We were taught to respect the gun, respect human life. And. Yes, we had bullying back in Those days. But, no one thought about killing the bully.
    Our problem today is the home, parents, teachers. Kids on psychotic drugs. Not the Guns.

  16. About as much as I believe abortion is the solution for unwanted pregnancy! The left uses no, zero, zip logic ever !

  17. The father deserves to be charged also. He was an accessory by buying a 13-year old a gun in 2023. He is now 14 years old, far too young to have access to a gun whether it be gifted or in a locked cabinet. This kid is beyond help. He made threats over a year ago. He had mental problems by showing that. I guess the mother is OD’d on drugs and the father is an idiot. So now two parents both compromised. What can you expect the kid to be like? The kid needs to be locked up for the rest of his life. He allegedly will not respond to rehab well.

  18. Protect the school students like kameltoe and tampon tim are protected. Just imagine an armed attacker surviving secret service approaching these traitors with a gun.

  19. The silliest aspect of all of these proposed gun control laws is that the only people that would obey those laws to begin with are those that would never contemplate using a gun in such a manner as to harm school children or anybody else. Criminals are the ones that conduct criminal behavior and criminals by definition are not going to obey any of these new gun laws so the whole concept is silly on its face. These laws are proposed to make liberal politicians feel good when they appeal to their constituents who don’t know what the hell they’re talking about or they wouldn’t be the constituents of liberal politicians.

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