I believe in environmental issues, water , air, to much garbage things like that. So I believe a person setting a fire in an area that doesn’t do any preventative measures is connected to climate change absolutely not. Do I believe people effect earth absolutely.
Concrete jungles with no real drain system and you wonder why the city floods. I’m sick to death of hearing how climate change is causing all these issues man has created . Blaming Climate change for everything weather related is a smart play the powerful people came up with to control you. If they honestly believed their own rederic then none of these people would ever get in a plane or buy a house on the water
I agree with Brandi and I think climate geo engineering – The Dimming – is an even bigger driver than our consumerism.
The fires in California and Hawaii were deliberately set by using DEWs, the fires all started at the same time.
Humans can not affect the weather. We can affect the filth we put into it, but not the weather. Their scientific studies are manipulated by them. Have been since the start. The first guy to claim ‘global warming’ went back on his claims a year later. I need to find the article on that. The evil rulers brought in geo-engineering to propagate these huge storms…like North Carolina & Florida…..all in the name of continuing ‘climate change’. Also, I have only heard two people in the news mention the fact that if we get the CO2 levels any lower….no more plants or trees….no more oxygen production. No more humans.
Weather is cyclical. Meteorologist Joe Batardi, spoke about climate several years ago and the cycles of the weather. Now we have a cabal controlled by some element of the weather and the elites. Isn’t it interesting that Hurricane Helene devastated a large swath of West North Carolina leaving people homeless, some people living in tents and unable to go back to their property because the land has been changed from the massive rain and possible opening of and release of water from damns. All for someone/entity that wanted the resources under the properties. Yes, man is to blame for mismanagement and greed.
Humans cannot affect the climate. We can contribute to the filth we put in it, but we can’t control the weather. Well, now we can & they are with geo-engineering to propagate their climate hoax. The first weather scientist to proclaim ‘global warming’ retracted his claims a year later. (I must find that article on him). Any scientific research since then has been manipulated for the evil rulers to continue to use the hoax as a control weapon. Also, I have only heard two people on internet talk about the effect of lowering the CO2 level…..any lower & there will be no more plants & trees, no more wildlife, no more oxygen, no more us.
If one believes in the Bible…All that is happening on EARTH is ALL described in the Bible plain and simple! What loonie leftists think is “climate change” is just ALL what God said would be happening! Taxing us and trying to change the climate is NOT possible! Be good stewards of the land!
There is no such thing as climate change. People of every generation have purported that the world is coming to an end to scare people into their crazy ideas.
I believe that weather manipulation is happening. So technically yes it is caused by humans, but not the average man just living his life
Voted NO, but I do realize that we do contribute both positively and negatively to the environment. Our climate goes through naturally occurring changes and has done so since the Earth’s beginning.
I hate this question, no offense Dennis. First the question should be do you believe in climate change. My answer – No (like most others here I know the earth runs in cycles of cold and hot, which effects whether there are more droughts, hurricanes and other weather related outcomes.)
Second question should be do you believe that people are responsible for weather manipulation. My answer – Yes (I believe that seeding for strengthening storms and using lasers to start fires has happened.) Sadly, as technologies improve the government and world governments have no problem with using its people as Guinea pigs for their pleasure (profit). Plenty of examples out there. The biggest one so far was probably Covid (not weather related, but still part of the issue). Hurricane Helene they used seeding. Maui and possibly these California fires they used lasers or even people to start the fires at the same time. Santa Anna winds happen every year so that isn’t part of man made problems, but man certainly plays a part in starting the fires. The fact that this fire is so out of control is the fault of the government who left the people without enough water to fight the fires, as well as not clearing the many years of dead brush in all of the areas where these fires started.
I’m 73 years old and to date, my memory seems more than adequate. Since the late 1960s, there’s been one “OMG, we are all gonna die” situations arising every 10 years or so that give us maybe 10 years to go before Armageddon. Something new always pops up just before that 10 years is over. This time though, “they” (the ones who wish for global domination like some perverted Dr. Evils”) hit on the perfect, non-specific threat- climate change which can be anything and everything. We hear that there’s so-called scientists that have found we are doomed unless we subjugate ourselves to our mighty masters who can magically “fix” everything. To do those studies, it takes money. The powers that be are certainly not going to fund studies that don’t propagate the narrative.
Are there serious environmental issues caused by humans? Yes, of course there are. IMO, there’s way too many people in the world, especially in third world countries. Desertification is occurring both in the African Sahel and the Asian Gobi, largely caused by over grazing by goats and sheep needed to feed an ever-growing human population. That’s hardly “climate change”.
There truly are evil people out there who apparently crave ultimate power over people and who will use anything to accomplish this, including fear.
Yes and no.
No to the everyday person who’s just living their life.
Yes to the people who head world governments and agencies who are strategically causing weather events when and where they want in order to cause chaos and destruction to further their demonic agendas.
The last Ice Age ended over 11,000 years ago. Had absolutely nothing to do with humans. Climate has been changing since the earth’s beginning. Book of Genesis tells the story of the earth.
I believe in environmental issues, water , air, to much garbage things like that. So I believe a person setting a fire in an area that doesn’t do any preventative measures is connected to climate change absolutely not. Do I believe people effect earth absolutely.
Concrete jungles with no real drain system and you wonder why the city floods. I’m sick to death of hearing how climate change is causing all these issues man has created . Blaming Climate change for everything weather related is a smart play the powerful people came up with to control you. If they honestly believed their own rederic then none of these people would ever get in a plane or buy a house on the water
I agree with Brandi and I think climate geo engineering – The Dimming – is an even bigger driver than our consumerism.
The fires in California and Hawaii were deliberately set by using DEWs, the fires all started at the same time.
Humans can not affect the weather. We can affect the filth we put into it, but not the weather. Their scientific studies are manipulated by them. Have been since the start. The first guy to claim ‘global warming’ went back on his claims a year later. I need to find the article on that. The evil rulers brought in geo-engineering to propagate these huge storms…like North Carolina & Florida…..all in the name of continuing ‘climate change’. Also, I have only heard two people in the news mention the fact that if we get the CO2 levels any lower….no more plants or trees….no more oxygen production. No more humans.
Weather is cyclical. Meteorologist Joe Batardi, spoke about climate several years ago and the cycles of the weather. Now we have a cabal controlled by some element of the weather and the elites. Isn’t it interesting that Hurricane Helene devastated a large swath of West North Carolina leaving people homeless, some people living in tents and unable to go back to their property because the land has been changed from the massive rain and possible opening of and release of water from damns. All for someone/entity that wanted the resources under the properties. Yes, man is to blame for mismanagement and greed.
Humans cannot affect the climate. We can contribute to the filth we put in it, but we can’t control the weather. Well, now we can & they are with geo-engineering to propagate their climate hoax. The first weather scientist to proclaim ‘global warming’ retracted his claims a year later. (I must find that article on him). Any scientific research since then has been manipulated for the evil rulers to continue to use the hoax as a control weapon. Also, I have only heard two people on internet talk about the effect of lowering the CO2 level…..any lower & there will be no more plants & trees, no more wildlife, no more oxygen, no more us.
If one believes in the Bible…All that is happening on EARTH is ALL described in the Bible plain and simple! What loonie leftists think is “climate change” is just ALL what God said would be happening! Taxing us and trying to change the climate is NOT possible! Be good stewards of the land!
There is no such thing as climate change. People of every generation have purported that the world is coming to an end to scare people into their crazy ideas.
I believe that weather manipulation is happening. So technically yes it is caused by humans, but not the average man just living his life
Voted NO, but I do realize that we do contribute both positively and negatively to the environment. Our climate goes through naturally occurring changes and has done so since the Earth’s beginning.
I hate this question, no offense Dennis. First the question should be do you believe in climate change. My answer – No (like most others here I know the earth runs in cycles of cold and hot, which effects whether there are more droughts, hurricanes and other weather related outcomes.)
Second question should be do you believe that people are responsible for weather manipulation. My answer – Yes (I believe that seeding for strengthening storms and using lasers to start fires has happened.) Sadly, as technologies improve the government and world governments have no problem with using its people as Guinea pigs for their pleasure (profit). Plenty of examples out there. The biggest one so far was probably Covid (not weather related, but still part of the issue). Hurricane Helene they used seeding. Maui and possibly these California fires they used lasers or even people to start the fires at the same time. Santa Anna winds happen every year so that isn’t part of man made problems, but man certainly plays a part in starting the fires. The fact that this fire is so out of control is the fault of the government who left the people without enough water to fight the fires, as well as not clearing the many years of dead brush in all of the areas where these fires started.
I’m 73 years old and to date, my memory seems more than adequate. Since the late 1960s, there’s been one “OMG, we are all gonna die” situations arising every 10 years or so that give us maybe 10 years to go before Armageddon. Something new always pops up just before that 10 years is over. This time though, “they” (the ones who wish for global domination like some perverted Dr. Evils”) hit on the perfect, non-specific threat- climate change which can be anything and everything. We hear that there’s so-called scientists that have found we are doomed unless we subjugate ourselves to our mighty masters who can magically “fix” everything. To do those studies, it takes money. The powers that be are certainly not going to fund studies that don’t propagate the narrative.
Are there serious environmental issues caused by humans? Yes, of course there are. IMO, there’s way too many people in the world, especially in third world countries. Desertification is occurring both in the African Sahel and the Asian Gobi, largely caused by over grazing by goats and sheep needed to feed an ever-growing human population. That’s hardly “climate change”.
There truly are evil people out there who apparently crave ultimate power over people and who will use anything to accomplish this, including fear.
Yes and no.
No to the everyday person who’s just living their life.
Yes to the people who head world governments and agencies who are strategically causing weather events when and where they want in order to cause chaos and destruction to further their demonic agendas.
The last Ice Age ended over 11,000 years ago. Had absolutely nothing to do with humans. Climate has been changing since the earth’s beginning. Book of Genesis tells the story of the earth.