(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you believe Biden was forced to drop out?



  1. He is pissed off!!! He probably will stay in DE and vacation until Jan. ’25. That’s how much he cares for this Country the CORRUPT POS!!!!!!!

    • He hasn’t been in power anyway, so it really doesn’t matter where he is, hasn’t mattered for four years.

  2. Yes I believe he was forced out some donors were withholding donations until he dropped out. But I don’t think Harris will be the nominee

  3. Jill was forced out, Joe has no idea where he is from day to day. Give him some ice cream and a young girl to sniff and he will never miss the Whitehouse.

  4. America was “played” by the devil DEMONcrates one more time, they have systematically destroyed the election process and we the peoples country while the masses slept and filled the sport’s arenas. Most have ignored or hoped this mess would go away, it’s not and your freedoms as we know them are disappearing at a much faster rate thanks to these scumbags. DJT will have a very difficult if not impossible road to victory now, watch the nightmare play out. Bunch of ignorant shills.

  5. After the failed assassination attempt on Trump, absolutely he was. Mark my word, if it had been successful, Biden would still be running!

  6. I voted yes because I can plainly see the writing on the wall.
    I figure Joe was offered the sweetest desk he had ever gotten, even from China, and he was given a choice. Either take the deal or pass in your sleep from COVID.

  7. He would have been Clintonized if he didn’t drop out! Jill understood that even if Briben didn’t.

  8. Biden was no more in charge of this decision than he was for any other decisions during his presidency. Total senile old puppet. Just a willing tool of the Deep State. They put him in and they took him out. Harris or any other Democrat will be the same.

  9. Considering how it was discovered that the signature on his stepping down letter doesn’t match his signature on his EOs, I am inclined to agree with the ones who claim that this was a coup, and that Joe had nothing to do with that letter.
    So where is Joe now? In bed with “Covid?”

  10. Osama Bin Ladden Obama is leading the way and probably told Biden to quit the race or they would invoke the 25th Amendment. Don’t be overly surprised to see Michelle being nominated for the Dems. After all the democrats are all about democracy saying to 14 or 15 million voters that our elete will handle this nomination and the hell with your vote.

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