(Commenting on)  POLL: Do you believe Biden and Kamala get along?



  1. Biden did not willingly step down. He should have but he didn’t. He has been taking jabs at Harris lately. Seems that in some aspects to be sabotaging her.

  2. I don’t think they ever got a long. She called him racist in the debate in 2020. He only hired her bc Obama told him DEI hire

  3. I don’t believe they have ever gotten along. I don’t think he chose her, I think she was picked by whoever is really running our country, just like they picked her as the nominee for President. She’s been a ghost for all of her VP days, they were rarely seen together and her accomplishments were NIL!!!

  4. I think he hates her !!! Don’t piss off an elderly person with dementia and a wife who is pissed that she will not be First Lady anymore !!! Hell has no fury !!!

  5. There was a report of Jilly and Kommie getting into a shouting match at the WH recently. The gloves are coming off …..I agree joe is pissed and so is Jilly they’re not going away quietly …..

  6. I think she was an insurance policy and a party favor for the democrats to pass around behind closed doors. Let Joe sink her campaign the rest of the way and keep her and Hillary fuming about it.

  7. biden hates her guts as well as obama’s. After all, she was complicit in forcing him to step down. I hope she tanks as a result. joe actually deserves what he got, forced to step down. Pelosi had a major role in it also. kam-allah is just a token to the democrats not of biden’s choosing. She was chosen for biden. He had no say. She would just be the next controlled puppet. Eat it kam-allah. You will get back what you handed out. Hopefully out on your ass. What’s that thing with KARMA. God don’t like ugly.

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