The ISS is a waste of money and human talent!! I say send it off into space and let it travel on until it crashes into a planet in another galaxy 100 years from now!!
It doesn’t seem like the people stuck in space( 2 people, I think) are in a hurry to come home, seems weird to me. Boeing sent them there. But I wouldn’t trust them to bring me home, would y’all?
The ISS is a waste of money and human talent!! I say send it off into space and let it travel on until it crashes into a planet in another galaxy 100 years from now!!
It doesn’t seem like the people stuck in space( 2 people, I think) are in a hurry to come home, seems weird to me. Boeing sent them there. But I wouldn’t trust them to bring me home, would y’all?
Get rid of the money vacuum it’s a big waste they just use it to spy on everyone anyway.
I don’t feel qualified to make a decision. I can see both sides but do not know which option would be best.